Gnumerisch Gleitender Durchschnitt

Himbeer-Pi-Lesung WH1081-Wetter-Sensoren mit einem RFM01 und RFM12b Dieser Artikel beschreibt die Verwendung eines RFM01 oder RFM12b FSK HF-Transceiver mit einem Himbeer-Pi, um Sensordaten von einem Fine Offset WH1080 oder WH1081 (speziell eine Maplin N96GY) Wetterstation8217s HF-Sender zu empfangen. Ich habe ursprünglich die RFM12b benutzt, einfach weil ich eine Hand habe, aber später festgestellt, dass die RFM01 scheint viel besser zu arbeiten 8211 die Störung Immunität und die Reichweite der RFM01 im OOK-Modus ist deutlich besser. Sie sind kompatibel, aber die SPI-Register unterscheiden sich zwischen den Modulen, sowohl hinsichtlich der Registeradresse als auch der Funktion. Dieses Projekt ändert sich auf Mikrocontroller-basierte und mit einem AM-Empfänger-Modul (Aurel RX-4MM5) 8211 ein viel effektiver Ansatz 8211 arduino-yun-reading-wh1080-use-aurel-rx-4mm5. Derzeit testen auf Arduino Yun, wird aber wahrscheinlich zu einem mehr Plattform agnostischen Design bewegen, um Dragino und Carambola etc. zu unterstützen. Die Wetterstation besteht aus einem LCD-Display und einem Mast von Sensoren. Die LCD-Anzeige beinhaltet auch Temperatur - und Feuchtesensoren für Innenlesungen sowie einen barometrischen Drucksensor. Der Mast enthält Sensoren für Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, Windgeschwindigkeit, Windrichtung und Niederschlag und überträgt Datenpakete mit einem 433MHz Sender. It8217s die Daten aus dem Mast, auf die sich dieses Projekt konzentriert, zusammen mit dem Zusatz eines Bosch BMP085 I2C-Moduls, um barometrischen Druck zu erhalten. Es gibt Varianten des Fine Offset WH1080 mit Sendern unterschiedlicher Typen (z. B. unterschiedliche Frequenz, Modulation oder beides), während dieses Projekt grundsätzlich auf ähnliche Geräte mit unterschiedlichem Branding anwendbar ist. In der Praxis kann man ein gewisses Tweaking verlangen. Für alle, die bereits eine grobe Vorstellung davon haben, was8217s benötigt, und will nur einen schnellen Überblick für einige Zeiger, I8217ve präsentiert eine Zusammenfassung zuerst unten. Verdrahtung des Moduls Hinweis: Die Revision 2 Boards beeinflussen dieses Projekt auf zwei Arten. Erstens, wenn Sie den BMP085 Drucksensor verwenden, dann müssen Sie I2C-1 anstelle von I2c-0 ansprechen. Das Ändern der Basisadresse des I2C-Peripheriegeräts im Code sollte all that8217s erforderlich sein. Zweitens ist der GPIO-Pin auf dem Header P1-13 jetzt GPIO27 anstatt GPIO21. Wieder muss der Code einfache Änderungen vornehmen. I8217ll integriere diese in den Code in Zukunft, aber bis dahin müssen Sie herausfinden, wo die Änderungen gehen, wenn Sie dies auf Rev-2 bauen wollen. Emailen Sie mir, wenn Sie Hilfe benötigen. Pin-Anschlüsse von der RFM01 (und RFM12B) zum Himbeer-Pi sind wie folgt. Sie können Strombegrenzungswiderstände hinzufügen. Pull-ups können für SDO und SDI erforderlich sein (I8217ve fand nie eine definitive Spezifikation für SPI 8211 es funktioniert mit ihnen, und es funktioniert wahrscheinlich auch ohne sie): 8211 Ich habe ein Brot, um es zu verdrahten, und überraschend fand dies weit zu sein Von ideal mit dem RFM12b Modul. Im nahen Bereich arbeitet der Empfänger sehr zuverlässig, aber da das Signal schwächer wird, ertönt das Rauschen oft aus (auch nur in der Nähe des Stromkreises lehnen oder eine Komponente bewegen). Ein Breadboard ist in Ordnung, um die SPI-Sachen zu testen, und funktioniert auch gut, wenn der Sender in engem Bereich ist, aber um den Receiver richtig zu testen, das Ätzen einer PCB (oder sogar nur das Verkabelung der Bits zusammen) wäre eine bessere Idee. In dem lauten Brot verkabelt, entschied ich mich, den RFM12b zu einem 26-poligen weiblichen Header zu verdrahten, um das Brettergeräusch zu vermeiden, aber entdeckte, dass der Pi genügend Geräusche produzierte und das Modul (genauer die Antenne) so nah hatte Zum Pi war der Empfang. Ein langes Bandkabel verbesserte die Dinge, ebenso wie eine Länge von Koax, um die Antenne weg von dem Rest der Elektronik zu bewegen. Als ich das RFM01 einschaltete (nachdem ich mein RFM12b sorglos gebraten hatte), schien die Situation viel besser zu sein, und das Gerät funktionierte zuverlässiger als das RFM12b in genau der gleichen Umgebung. Wie es aussieht, bevor man das BMP085-Barometer-Modul hinzufügt Das RFM01 scheint weit mehr immun gegen Lärm -8217s, das mit einem 26-poligen Header verkabelt und direkt auf den Pi gesteckt wird. Die Antenne ist einfach ein 14 Wellenlänge (17,5 cm) Draht verlötet, um das Modul. Es empfängt sich auch in dieser rauen Umgebung, vielleicht teilweise, weil es auf den niedrigsten LNA (Low Noise Amplifier) ​​Einstellungen arbeitet. Irgendwelche Drähte in der Nähe des Pi sind in der Lage, HF-Rauschen zu erzeugen, auch nur ein Brot-Jumper-Draht, der unter dem Pi sitzt, oder ein ungeschirmtes Ethernet-Kabel. Achten Sie darauf und halten Sie Lärmquellen aus dem Weg, während Sie testen (oder Draht die Antenne auf einer Länge von 50 Koax). Verbinden Sie einfach SDA und SCL zusammen mit 3V3 und GND für die BMP085 Empfangene Daten Der Sender sendet 11 Bytes Daten wie folgt. Einige von ihnen unterscheiden sich von einer der Unterlagen, die auf Fine Offset-Wetterstationen gefunden wurden, so dass ich sie hier beschrieben habe (Briefe an die Nibbles für die nachfolgende Beschreibung): 8211 I8217ve interpretierte die Nibbles wie folgt: 8211 abc: Gerätekennung def: Temperatur gh : Feuchtigkeit ij: durchschnittliche Windgeschwindigkeit niedriges Byte kl: Böen Windgeschwindigkeit niedriges Byte m: unbekannt n: Niederschlagszähler hohe Nibble op: Niederschlagszähler q: Batterie-niedrige Anzeige r: Windrichtung st: Prüfsumme Das Nibble 8216q8217 ist wahrscheinlich das Low-Batterie-Anzeige, dank Ken McCullagh berichtet, dass sein Sender jetzt sendet ein 821618217 anstatt ein 821608217, und seine LCD-Display zeigt nun auch ein Low-Battery-Symbol. Nibble 8216m8217 ist unbekannt. Es kann sein, dass der Niederschlagszähler zwei ganze Bytes ist (die Zeit wird sagen, 8211 kann ich eine Bewässerungsdose zum Regensammler nehmen), oder vielleicht ist es das hohe Nibble der Windgeschwindigkeit oder der Gust-Speed. Zwischen ihnen könnten die Nibbles 8216m8217 und 8216q8217 diese zusätzlichen Winddaten liefern. Um die Temperatur zu erhalten, subtrahiere ich 400 (0x190) und teile die Dezimalzahl mit 10. Zum Beispiel das Lesen von 0x2oe 8211 0x190 0x7e, das ist 126. Dies entspricht 12,6 Grad C. Um eine Windgeschwindigkeitswerte (in ms) zu erhalten, multiplizieren Sie den Wert mit 0,34 und um das Ergebnis auf eine Dezimalstelle. Also ist der Wert 0x04 rund (4 0,34) 1,4 ms. Für Niederschläge, wie anderswo dokumentiert, multiplizieren Sie mit 0,3, um den aufgezeichneten Niederschlag in Millimeter zu bekommen. Dieser Wert ist ein Zähler, der nach 0xff (oder 0xfff) auf Null ansteigt, wenn sich herausstellt, dass das Nibble 8216q8217 Teil des Zählers ist). Die Feuchtigkeit wird einfach als Dezimalzahl angezeigt und die Windrichtung reicht von 0 bis 15 für N, NNE, NE, ENE, E, etc. nach der LCD-Anzeige. Die Prüfsumme ist CRC8, und eine schön geschriebene Funktion, die von der OneWire Arduino Library von Luc Small angepasst wurde, ist im Quellcode enthalten, um diese Prüfsumme zu berechnen. Sie können den Quellcode hier herunterladen. Entpacken Sie den Tarball auf dem Pi, CD in das erstellte Verzeichnis und führen Sie 8216make8217. Dies sollte die ausführbare Datei 8216wh1080rf8217 erzeugen. Wenn Sie einen Cross-Compiler verwenden, müssen Sie die CC-Variable in 8216Makefile8217 bearbeiten, um auf Ihren Compiler zu verweisen. Wenn you8217re mit einem RFM12b, dann bearbeiten Sie Datei 8216rfm01.h8217 und ändern Sie 8216define RFM018242 zu 8216define RFM12B8217. Das Programm konfiguriert das RFM01 mit SPI und sucht dann kontinuierlich nach interessanten Daten aus dem Modul auf dem Pi8217s GPIO-Pin und dumping gültige Pakete zu stdout als Hex-Strings. Es dekodiert auch die Hex-Daten in sinnvollere Werte und sendet sie als printf () formatierte Strings an stdout. Beachten Sie, dass die Berechnungen auf dem Himbeer-Pi mit Gleitkomma-Arithmetik durchgeführt werden, während der WH1080 Fixpunkt verwendet. Dies bedeutet, dass sich die Ausgabe zwischen dem Pi und dem LCD-Display geringfügig unterscheiden kann, da die Berechnungen der Pi8217s genauer sind. Zum Beispiel ergibt die Rohwindgeschwindigkeit von 0x01 0,34 ms auf dem Pi, aber nur 0,3 ms auf dem WH1080. Umwandlung in mph liefert 0,8 mph auf dem Pi und 0,7 mph auf der WH1080. Deshalb ist die Himbeer-Pi-Lesung genauer. Sie können feststellen, dass die unten stehende Ausgabe auch den Luftdruck und den Innentemperaturwert anzeigt. Diese kommen aus einem Bosch BST-BMP085 Barometrischer Drucksensor über I2C. Die Verdrahtung des Moduls zum Pi war trivial, da es die Pull-up-Widerstände und Bypass-Kondensatoren bereits an Bord hat. Daher ist die Verdrahtung von SDA und SCL zusammen mit 3V3 und GND an die Pi ausreichend, um diesen Sensor zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie don8217t planen, eine davon zu verwenden, entfernen Sie die Zeile 8216define USEBMP0858242 in wh1080rf. h vor dem Kompilieren. Nur SDASCL und 3V3GND, die anderen zwei müssen nicht angeschlossen werden. Die Ausgabe von der Software beinhaltet einen Scan von RSSI-Dienst auf allen Verstärkungsstufen, RSSI-Schwellen und Basisband-Bandbreiten. Dies lässt Sie sehen, wo das Rauschen in Ihrer Umgebung ist, so dass Sie wahrscheinlich erkennen können Konfigurationswerte, die zuverlässige Ergebnisse liefern wird. I8217ve hat dies aus dem Beispiel unten für Klarheit weggelassen. Die Datenbits sind die Anzahl der Bits, die in diesem Paket gesehen werden, einschließlich Präambel, und der Versatz ist die Position des Device-ID-Bytes (oder Null, wenn es nicht gefunden wurde). Die kurze Paketzählung gibt einen Hinweis darauf, wie viel Lärm als Daten gesehen wird. Der Wert von 8216gap8217 sagt uns, wie lange es8217 gewesen war, seit wir ein gültiges Paket gesehen haben, und die Stats zeigen die Pulsbreiten (in Mikrosekunden) an, die der Receiver8217s Demodulator an uns geschickt hat. Die Frequenzabweichung zeigt die Werte der AFC-Offset-Register an. Die AFC wird manuell auf jedes erfolgreiche Paket getaucht, um die Frequenzversätze mit Frequenzdrift zu töten. Vor einem Lesen schaltet der Code den Prozess auf die eingebettete Echtzeit - (SCHEDRR) Scheduler-Richtlinie des Kernel8217s ein, um keine Bitübergänge auf dem GPIO-Pin zu verpassen, und das reicht aus, um den Prozess auch bei hohen Arbeitsbelastungen immun zu machen. I8217ve versuchte, mehrere CPU - und IO-Intensivprozesse beim Lesen auszuführen, und ich habe keinen Paketverlust gesehen. Dies kann im Laufe der Zeit nicht wahr sein, aber wenn nicht, gibt es sysctl Parameter für den Scheduler, die geändert werden können, um die Latenz zu verbessern, zum Beispiel: 8211 In jedem Fall sollte es möglich sein, Wetter-Software und vielleicht einen Webserver auf der Pi zur gleichen Zeit, während zuverlässig HF-Sensor Messwerte. Ich bin noch so weit gekommen. Beachten Sie, dass der Sender tatsächlich zwei Pakete nacheinander bei jedem anderen Sendezyklus sendet. Es sendet ein Paket und wiederholt es 100ms später. Ich nehme an, dass dies die Zuverlässigkeit auf dem LCD-Display erhöht, oder vielleicht empfängt ihre Empfangsschaltung manchmal nicht, AGC entsprechend mit einem einzigen Paket einzustellen. Der Code ignoriert alle nachfolgenden Daten nach dem Empfang eines gültigen Pakets, bis die nächste 48 Sekunden Lücke verstrichen ist. Abstimmen der RFM01-Einstellungen Die RFM01-Konfiguration hängt von Ihrer Umgebung ab. Die folgenden Codezeilen sind am wichtigsten: 8211 Der Befehl CMDCONFIG (der Moduleinstellungen) enthält die Einstellung der Empfängerbandbreite. Dies kann eine von BW67, BW134 und BW200, BW270, BW340 und BW400 sein, und der Wert bestimmt, wie empfindlich der Empfänger ist, aber breitere Bandbreiten bedeuten mehr Anfälligkeit für Rauschen. Der Befehl CMDRCON (Receiver-Einstellungen) setzt die Einstellung Low Noise Amplifier (LNALOW, LNAMEDIUM, LNAHIGH und LNAMAX) und die RSSI-Schwelle (dBm), bei der wir ein Signal als gültig betrachten. Die VDI-Einstellung folgt RSSI im obigen Beispiel, weil I8217m nicht sicher ist, wie relevant die anderen Einstellungen zu einem OOK-Signal sind. Wenn Sie das Programm mit einem beliebigen Parameter starten, wird es den RSSI-Modus eingeben, der kontinuierlich DRSSI mit den aktuellen Einstellungen abgibt und die Pflicht (Prozent) des DRSSI-Signals aus dem SPI-Statusregister meldet. Sie können dies verwenden, um herauszufinden, die beste Kombination von Einstellungen für Ihr Setup. Ich finde, dass die niedrigste Gesamt-Verstärkungsbandbreite-Kombination, die eine kleine Menge an Rauschen (z. B. lt 5) berichtet, oder die Null-Rauschen in der Nähe dieser Grenze berichtet, die besten Ergebnisse liefert. Wenn you8217re Einstellungen zu empfindlich sind, verlieren Sie die Signalstärke im Rauschen. Wenn sie nicht empfindlich genug sind, gewinnst du deinen potenziellen Empfang. Für schwächere Signale längere Bereiche, müssen Sie eventuell Variationen in der Umgebung zulassen 8211 starker Regen kann den Empfang beeinflussen, äußere Temperaturschwankungen beeinflussen den Sender zu einem gewissen Grad. Wenn der Sender nahe genug an den Empfänger angeschlossen ist, funktionieren die meisten Einstellungen, die den Receiver mit Rauschen sättigen, besonders bei einem RFM01-Modul. Oszilloskop - und Logikspuren Die Ausgabe des Senders sieht in meinem Logikanalysator wie folgt aus: 8211 Impulse am Sender erzeugt. Dies ist das Signal, das vom Transmitter8217s Mikrocontroller zum RF-Teil der Schaltung kommt und ist die Modulation des 433MHz-Trägers. Ich denke, diese Modulation heißt RZI PWM (Return to Zero Inverted, Pulse Width Modulation), RZI, weil der feste Taktimpuls immer auf 8216not-zero8217 und PWM zurückkehrt, da die Pulsbreite die Datenbits definiert. Die schmalen Impulse sind binär-eins, die breiten Impulse sind binär-null, und diese sind mit 1ms-Taktimpulsen durchsetzt. Die ersten acht schmalen Impulse sind die 0xff Präambel, und die nächsten acht Impulse repräsentieren das erste Datenbyte (immer 0xa1, die Geräte-ID). Wenn es auf den DATA-Pin auf dem RFM01-Receiver kommt, sieht das Signal so aus: - Impulse aus dem RFM01 DATA Pin Beachten Sie, dass es nun als RTZ PWM (Return to Zero, Pulse Width Modulation) gesehen werden kann, weil die Uhr - Puls wird nun invertiert (dh bei Null) und die Datenimpulse liegen bei 3V3. Wiederum gibt es die Pulsbreite, die die Daten bestimmt (und daher ist das eigentlich ein OOK-Signal und warum die HF-Module aus der Spezifikation verwendet werden). Diese Oszilloskop-Ausgabe ist das, was unsere Software über den GPIO-Pin entnimmt. Es gibt hi-low Übergänge, aufgezeichnet als Pulsbreite in Mikrosekunden, in einen Puffer, der gefüllt wird, bis eine Lücke von 5ms gesehen wird (oder maximal 500 Punkte, in welchem ​​Fall wir sehr unwahrscheinlich sind, gültige Daten zu haben). Die Software könnte viel effizienter und eleganter sein 8211 there8217s wirklich keine Notwendigkeit für einen Puffer zu scannen, da es alle in Echtzeit getan werden kann, wie es ankommt. Doch Capture-and-Process ist einfacher zu experimentieren und zu studieren, besonders wenn man 48 Sekunden auf die nächste Welle von Bits warten muss. Weitere Hinweise Sie können mit den internen Pull-up - und Pull-Down-Widerständen auf GPIO-Pins mit Gordon Henderson8217s GPIO Utility spielen. Ich habe eine kompilierte Binärdatei hier (Link) 8211 stellen Sie sicher, it8217s ausführbare Datei (8216chmod ax gpio8217), und kopieren Sie es auf 8216usrlocalbin8217. Allerdings sollten bei den meisten Konten keine Pull-ups in diesem Projekt benötigt werden, und alle, die von den internen schwachen Widerständen bereits auf den GPIO-Leitungen bereitgestellt werden können. Wenn ich sie in meiner Verdrahtung verwende, es8217s nur, weil es einfacher war, ein in das Breadboard zu knallen, als es gewesen wäre, Code zu schreiben, um sie zu konfigurieren (bevor ich Gordon8217s Dienstprogramm fand). Auf den RFM01 wird mit dem SPI-Kernel-Treiber zugegriffen. Deshalb sollten die Module spibcm2708 und spidev geladen werden. Wenn nicht, dann bekommst du den Fehler 8220can8217t öffnen device8221. Um sie zu laden, führen Sie 8216modprobe spibcm27088242 und dann 8216modprobe spidev8217 8211 verwenden sudo wenn you8217re nicht root. Die RSSI variiert je nach Umgebung 8211 sogar die Position des Pi, und die Antenne8217s Orientierung zum Pi kann einen spürbaren Unterschied mit einem schwachen Signal und High-Globale RSSI Schwellenwerte machen. In der Ausgabe der Software-Zeile mit 8216Short8217 in es bedeutet 8220short Pakete gesehen8221 8211 es sollte null in einer ruhigen Umgebung, aber ein oder zwei sind durchaus möglich. Wenn du viele kurze Pakete bekommst, dann hast du wahrscheinlich Lärm, weil deine Receiver-Konfiguration zu empfindlich ist. Der Code hat ein paar Zeilen speziell für die Konfiguration des Empfängers 8211 die LNA - und RSSI-Schwellenwerte, und auch die Bandbreitenwerte sind die wichtigsten. Die Tabelle der Daten, die beim Start angezeigt wird, zeigt das Rauschen, das für jede Kombination dieser Werte abgetastet wird. Die Spalten, obwohl sie nicht markiert sind, sind Rauschen für die verschiedenen Bandbreiteneinstellungen des RFM01 (z. B. wie weit über Ampere unterhalb der Mittenfrequenz der Empfänger ein Signal hören sollte). Sie müssen sich den Tisch anschauen und einige Einstellungen auswählen, die kein Rauschen haben, aber in der Nähe von Einstellungen sind, die Geräusche haben (z. B., wenn ich nach einer Einstellung suche, die empfindlich genug ist, um das Signal zu hören, aber nicht so empfindlich, dass jeder Hintergrund RF ausgewählt wird Als nächstes gibt es eine Reihe von Dingen, die ich in diesem Projekt machen möchte: 8211 Integriere die dekodierten Werte in eine Open-Source-Wetter-Software, so dass it8217s aus dem Internet verwendbar ist (wahrscheinlich wview). Umschreiben Sie den Code, um die Struktur zu verbessern Und machen es besser lesbar (die aktuelle Version war nur ein Werkzeug für das Experimentieren) Hinzufügen von Heuristiken zur Software zur automatischen Abstimmung von Empfängerparametern Referenzen RFM01 Datenblatt 8211 von der HopeRF-Website Der Titel ist 8216 RFM01 Universal ISM Band FSK Receiver8217 Raspberry Pi Low Level Peripherals 8211 Wiki-Seite beschreibt die Pin-Header und angeschlossenen Peripheriegeräten JeeLabs RFM12B Command Calculator 8211 eine nützliche Client-seitige Browser-Anwendung, um Register-Einstellungen mit Formulareingaben zu berechnen und Auswahlen Nur wenige gelten für das RFM01 (z. B. Frequenz, AFC und Datenrate). Strobotik RFM12 Tutorials 8211 eine gute, wenn auch Mikrocontroller zentriert, Beschreibung des RFM12B. Ein Großteil der Informationen bezieht sich auch weitgehend auf die RFM01. Luc Small 8211 Hacking der WH2 Wireless Weather Station Outdoor Sensor 8211 Diese Station scheint ein ähnliches RF Modulation und Paketformat (wenn auch eine Teilmenge) der Maplin WH1081 Variante zu verwenden. WH1080 EEPROM Datendefinition 8211 Dokument, das die Speicherorganisation der LCD-Anzeigeeinheit beschreibt. Das unterscheidet sich in gewissem Maße von dem des Maplin-Geräts, aber es gibt genug Hinweise darauf, um es sinnvoll zu machen. Raspberry Pi Forum Thread 8211 Diskussion zu diesem Thema, enthält Informationen über Hardware-Variationen, die andere mit unterschiedlichem Erfolg versucht haben. Ursprünglicher Quellcode auf GitHub 8211 githubKevin-Sangeeleewh1080rf Wetter Underground Unterstützung hinzugefügt von Andy Ayre 8211 githubajayreWH1080-Weather-Underground 8211 enthält auch Änderungen für Rev 2 Pi, denke ich. Einige Informationen von SevenWatt auf FSK Versionen der Fine Offset Wetterstationen 8211 sevenwattmainwh1080-Protokoll-v2-fsk Post navigation 136 Gedanken auf ldquo Raspberry Pi lesen WH1081 Wetter-Sensoren mit einem RFM01 und RFM12b rdquo Hi Kevin I8217m ein pensionierter Produktion Sound-Mixer und ich habe Ein 8216Veranstaltungsprojekt8217 in Frankreich. Klingt viel schwerer als es wirklich ist. Viele Abhilfemaßnahmen zu erledigen, und ich meine Lose Was ich gerne mache, mache einige Untersuchungen über Windmengen und Geschwindigkeiten mit dem Ziel, eine Windkraftanlage zu installieren und meinen eigenen Strom zu erzeugen. Ich muss dafür sorgen, dass ich über einen längeren Zeitraum genug Wind bekomme und mir einen Hinweis darauf geben wird, welche Macht ich hoffentlich bekommen kann. Ich habe Elektronik schon früher in meiner Karriere gemacht, aber ich bin jetzt ziemlich rostig, aber ich kann immer noch löten Die Raspberry Pi beantwortet meine Fragen, wie man die Wetterinformationen hier in Großbritannien aus Frankreich liest. I8217m direkt am Ende der Telefonleitung, und bin nur in Reichweite von Breitband 8211 nur-512K und nicht mehr. Ich brauche einen Weg, um die Daten zu verbringen, ohne ein Vermögen auf einer Wetterstation mit Internetfähigkeit zu verbringen. So hat das Maplin 59.99-Angebot nur das Ticket ausgesucht, also habe ich ein bisschen gekauft und so weit sieht es gut aus gut für meine 8216project8217. Ich habe ein paar Fragen, wenn du mich nicht kümmertest. Einmal ein erstes, wo hast du dein 26-Wege-Header I8217ve auf Farnell8217s Seite geschaut, wo I8217ll die RFM01 bekommen aber can8217t sehen irgendwelche bei einem 8216sensible8217 Preis. Haben Sie einen Schaltplan der Anschlüsse vom RFM01 zu den GUIO Pins, d. h. welche Verbindung geht wo. I8217ve richte den Himbeer-Pi mit Tightvncsever ein und wirst auch Apache anschauen. Wenn Sie helfen können I8217d sehr dankbar sein, da meine Elektronik ist sehr rostig und etwas veraltet I8217m lernen Linux, die aus einem Mac orientierten Hintergrund isn8217t zu schwierig. Code-Schreiben ist nicht mein starker Punkt, obwohl vielen Dank im Voraus, Ian Die 26-Wege-weiblichen Header ich denke, kam von Tandy (tandyonline. co. uk) 0,69 je. Die RFM01 kam von Maplin um 3.99. Ich habe kein Schema gemacht, weil es nicht mehr als die Verdrahtung zu den SPI-Stiften (und I2C, wenn ein Druckwandler eingeschlossen ist), aber du solltest es in der Lage sein, es leicht aus den Pin-Mappings in der Post zu skizzieren. Ich kann in der Zukunft einen Schema machen (vor allem, weil ich CNC eine PCB mischen möchte), aber ich kann sagen, wann. I8217d freue mich, dein Schema zu überprüfen, wenn du dich entscheidest. Schauen Sie sich einige der RPi-Foren an 8211 Sie vielleicht besser mit PuTTY für Remote-Login, da es weit weniger Ressource hungrig 8211 ist es natürlich nur Kommandozeile getrieben obwohl Obwohl meine ist bis zu meinem Netzwerk, es läuft völlig kopflos (Nr Keyboard, Maus, Screeen, nur Netzteil, USB-Eingang und Ethernet, dann über PuTTY von meinem Haupt-PC zugegriffen. Hoffe das hilft. Vielen Dank für das Tutorial, I8217m auf der Suche zu kopieren waht you8217ve getan für einige Remote-Wetterstation Überwachung als die USB-Schnittstelle ist einfach nicht zuverlässig genug. Big News 8211 Didn8217t wissen, dass Tandy zurückgekommen ist Immer in ihren Geschäften verbracht, haben seitdem Maplin und CPC Farnell Element 14 und RS verwendet, also ist es gut, sie wieder auf dem Block zu haben. Ich wollte nur eine Sache 8211 die Pull-Up-Widerstände, die Sie erwähnen, kann ich einfach einen 4k7 8211 10K Widerstand zwischen den SDO und SDI Pins und die Pi 3v3 Linie 8211 ist das, was du meint (Couldn8217t ganz sehen von den Fotos :)) Hallo Gordon, ja 8211 Die Pull-ups würden typischerweise vom RPi Header Pin zu 3V3 gehen. Allerdings, um das Netz umzusehen, sagen die meisten Leute, dass Pull-ups nicht für SPI benötigt werden. Ich weiß nicht genug über den Bus, um sicher zu sagen. Kein Schaden mit ihnen, aber vielleicht auch nicht nötig. Mehr allgemein, da8217s ein Raspberry Pi Forum Thread (raspberrypi. orgphpBB3viewtopic. phpf37038t9563038hilitpywws), die Wetterstation Software bespricht, und ich erinnere mich, dass jemand pywws arbeitet. Der Autor dieser Software erwähnt, dass Live-Logging kann die WH1080 in einem unbestimmten Zustand in regelmäßigen Abständen verlassen, aber dass längere Protokollierung Intervalle (z. B. stündlich etc.) scheint stabil. Ich hatte versucht, meinen RF-Leser mit pywws zu integrieren, aber es scheint sehr eng an die USB-Schnittstelle gebunden zu sein. Es sieht nicht trivial aus, um es mit lebenden 48-Sekunden-Intervallen zu arbeiten, und ich hatte interessantere Dinge zu tun. Allerdings, wenn Sie Ihren eigenen Leser machen, dann kontaktieren Sie mich für alle Änderungen, die ich vielleicht gemacht haben (vorausgesetzt, ich haven8217t gepostet Updates hier). Vielen Dank dafür, dass mein Pi die Daten mithilfe von pywws von der USB-Schnittstelle glücklich protokolliert, aber es ist bekannt, dass die USB-Schnittstelle (nicht die PI) aus dem Display etwas unzuverlässig ist und ohne ersichtlichen Grund einfrieren wird Müssen die Batterien ziehen und die im Display gespeicherten Daten verlieren. Also will ich das Display umgehen. 8211 daher die RFM-Platine bekam ich ein TMP36 und ein LDR und der BPM085 Sensor funktionierte gut, (Learn. adafruitusing-the-bmp085-mit-Himbeer-Pioverview) aber immer noch mit dem DHT22RHT03 8211 kämpfen nicht aufgeben, obwohl 8211 Das LCD-Display enthält Der Feuchtigkeitssensor also die Notwendigkeit, das zu bekommen und läuft. Sobald ich die RFM-Lesung der Daten bekommen kann, dann sollte es nicht schwierig sein, das zu einer MySql - oder SQLlite-Datenbank für die Protokollierung und Anzeigezwecke zu analysieren. I8217m dann, um es bis zum Energie-Monitor von openenergymonitor. org zu haken, da wir auch nur ein paar kW Pv hier bekommen haben. Ziel ist es, die Pi für it8217s zu leben :) Die WH1080 hat sowohl Innen - als auch Außenfeuchtigkeit (Nibbles 8216gh8217 wie oben beschrieben), so dass Sie den zusätzlichen Sensor vergessen konnten. Die beiden Feuchtigkeitssensoren tippen, wenn ich den Sender drinnen habe, und mein Bosch BMP085 tallies mit dem LCD-Display8217s barometrischen Druck, so dass ich mit den Fine Offset Sensoren angenehm überrascht war. Ich glaube, die usb Probleme mit dem pi und diese Wetterstation verbunden sind alle im Zusammenhang mit pywws und mit LiveLog. py. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Ehrgeiz für die Schaffung deines eigenen Empfängers, aber eine leichtere Umgehung, um dich in der Zwischenzeit schnell und schnell zu starten, ist es, Hourly. py zu benutzen und es alle 5 Minuten zu laufen. Dies ist eine fantastische Artikel8230 Ich war Midflow zu versuchen, das Signal zu dekodieren, wenn ich über diese Website stolperte. Ich habe RPi läuft pywss livelog. py8230 und bekomme die zufälligen crashes8230 Ich möchte diese Technik verwenden, um loszuwerden, die USB-Schnittstelle zu. Ich habe auch eine alternative Lösung, die mein Fall zurück war, wenn ich diese Liquidation nicht bekomme. GPIO-gesteuertes Relais, das die Stromversorgung auf USB zurücksetzt, wenn es abstürzt8230 8211 USB-Bildschirm läuft ohne Batterien 8211 USB gesteckt in externe Platine mit einem Relais auf dem 5v8230 8211 GPIO 3.3v Steuerung des Relais auf reset8230 Ändern Sie den pywss livelog. py Code, um USBException8230 zu behandeln und Drehen Sie einfach pwoeroff auf Wetterstation8230 und dann weiter Sie könnten möglicherweise nur einen MOSFET verwenden, um die 5V auf den USB zu fahren und die Mühe und Stromanforderungen eines Relais zu sparen. Siehe den Power-Controller Artikel I8217m derzeit für einen geeigneten FET, der bei 1V schaltet und hat eine sehr niedrige Rds. I8217m Fahren Sie es direkt mit einem 3V3 PIC, und die Pi funktioniert auch mit einem Bordnetz PSU, so sollte es leicht für die Wetterstation8217s LCD-Einheit zu arbeiten. Hallo Kevin, Dieser Artikel ist wirklich nützlich bei der Ersetzung meiner früheren versäumten Versuche, Sinn für die N96GY tranmissions mit einem Arduino und uk. farnellradiotronixrcr-433-eprmodule-rf-ask-ook-rx-433mhzdp1565153Ntt1565153 und dann erkennen, dass I8217d verlieren den Druck Read8230so Ich kehrte an USB verbunden Wetterstation Empfänger und pywws. I8217ve erlitt auch Probleme ähnlich dem Einfrieren von Gordon erwähnt. So wird mir nun alles im Folgenden folgen und mir die Klärung zukommen zu lassen: 8211 das aktuelle Maplin-Modul noch bei 3,99 scheint A59JN zu sein, nicht als Hoffnung RFM01 berechnet, sieht aber gleich aus, Datenblatt ist von Alpha. Ist es gleichwertig 8211 wo hast du dein BMP085 Breakout Board Es gibt mehrere Anbieter von ähnlich in Großbritannien. Ich nehme an, dass irgendjemand es tun wird Wenn du in den letzten Wochen Verbesserungen gemacht hast, bitte halte uns auf dem Laufenden. Der Maplin-Teil A59JN ist der gleiche, den ich verwendete 8211 gibt es andere britische Lieferanten dieses Moduls, die es unter verschiedenen Namen (z. B. RF-Lösungen ALPHA-RX433S) weiterverkaufen. Ich kaufte das Barometer-Modul von eBay-Verkäufer 8216bionicbot8217 (ebay. co. ukitm320939715020), aber ja 8211 jedes BMP085-Modul, das die I2C SDASCL Pins aussetzt und arbeitet bei 3V3 funktionieren würde. Ich denke, dass der Code auf dem Laufenden ist, wie ich das schreibe. Es braucht noch Arbeit, wie die Parametrierung der Höhe für barometrische Druckberechnungen, und fast sicher das Schreiben der Daten in eine SQL-Datenbank (ich glaube, SQLite, um mehr Kontrolle darüber, wie Tabellen beziehen sich auf SD-Karten-Dateien). I8217m auch erwägen das Hinzufügen einer LCD-Display, Tasten, und vielleicht eine Echtzeit-Uhr, so dass es ganz auf nur eine Stromversorgung funktionieren kann. Letztlich könnte ich am Ende mit einer Platine, um alles ordentlich zu halten. Da ich von ein paar Leuten kenne, die vorangegangen und gebaut haben, I8217ll Post signifikante Updates zu Thread raspberrypi. orgphpBB3viewtopic. phpf37038t14777. Also jeder, der diesen Thread bekommt, bekommt Benachrichtigungen. Vielen Dank für die Aufschrift Kevin, Ihre Anleitung war brillant, und ich habe gerade meinen Barometer-Chip erhalten (auch einen Innenfeuchtigkeitssensor abgeholt, um mit zu spielen, da die Kopfeinheit sowohl Innen - als auch Außenfeuchtigkeit hat. I8217ve hat es mit Schnittstellen verbunden Verarbeitung und Plotten 8211 Ich habe Ihren Code speichern die Daten im selben Format wie pywws erwartet, und dann habe ich das Bit aus dem pywws Code entfernt, wo es versucht, den USB zu verwenden, um mit dem Headunit zu interagieren und nimmt nur die Daten, die I8217ve gespeichert 8211 Derzeit mit dem Hourly. py-Skript, obwohl I8217m im Wesentlichen Livelogging bei 48 Sekunden. Paar von Dingen, die ich noch tun möchte: Ich möchte es wifi machen, aber haben in Probleme mit meinem RALink Micro-USB-Dongle und einem billigen 7-Port angetrieben Nabe 8211 die Nabe, die ich denke, die Piethernetwifi hängen regelmäßig auf, ein echtes PITA. Letztendlich möchte ich das als eine autonome Einheit im Ersatzschlafzimmer, Wifi, das mit dem Internet verbunden ist. Offensichtlich muss man noch den Barometer und die Feuchtigkeit hinzufügen . Ich habe alles auf einem Stripboard zusammengebaut und habe Bandverbinder, also wird es zu diesen hinzufügen. Auch muss noch den Code etwas robuster 8211 muss ein Timeout hinzufügen, um einen Reset-Befehl zu senden, wenn es doesn8217t eine Übertragung in einem 60 Sekunden-Fenster oder etwas bekommen. Und wird hoffentlich den Code in github oder etwas8230. Jedenfalls danke nochmal für den Headstart Ken Great News Ken, vor allem über pywws 8211 habe ich versucht und es versäumt, Live-Daten zu arbeiten, so gab es nach diesem 8211 aber die Live-Daten konnten unabhängig behandelt werden (zB eine statische Seite für Apache generiert Zu dienen), um das stündliche Futter zu ergänzen, das du zu pywws drückst. Ich habe die Notwendigkeit, einen Chip-Reset 8211 sicherlich nicht für eine verpasste Übertragung zu tun (ich hatte Hardware und Software zurückgesetzt, während das Testen mit dem RFM12B, aber sie nie gelöst irgendwelche der Probleme, die ich hatte). Allerdings muss die ganze Hauptschleife in funktionale Klumpen zerlegt werden, um unter anderem Zeitüberschreitungen elegant zu machen. Es gibt viele Verbesserungen, die wir an den Code machen könnten, also vielleicht sollten wir es eine gemeinsame Anstrengung machen. Yeah keine Mühe Zusammenarbeit, nicht sicher, wie viel Zeit i8217ll bekommen, um es zu verbringen, aber sicher, jedes kleine hilft I8217ve begonnen, um die Dateien in eine generischere Struktur umstrukturieren, wird es hochladen, um einen Github bald Ich versuche, dies zu gehen mit einem 868MHz Modul, würdest du so nett sein, mir einige Zeiger auf Konstanten zu geben, die mich ändern müssen Ich habe BAND868 hinzugefügt (1 ltlt 12) was ich denke, ist richtig Alles andere zu ändern Hallo Markus ja nehme you8217re mit einem RFM01, Bit 12 ist Korrigiere das Band (10 in Bits 12 und 11). Das Frequenzregister muss ebenfalls gesetzt sein. Das Datenblatt gibt die Berechnung, deren Ergebnis in den Code gesetzt werden soll, wo 8216cmdfreq8217 definiert ist. It8217s am besten, um die genaue Häufigkeit Ihres Senders zu finden (433,92MHz ist eine sehr häufige Mittenfrequenz für Geräte, die im 433MHz Band arbeiten, vermute ich dort8217ll ein ähnlicher Favorit für 868MHz Geräte). Off Hand, ich denke, die Berechnung für F (was ist der Wert, den Sie in das Register gesetzt) ​​ist F ((f0 (10 c1)) 8211 c2) 4000. z. B. Für f0 genau 433,92MHz verwendete ich F ((433.92 (10 1)) 8211 43) 4000, die 1568 oder 620h gibt. Die c1- und c2-Werte sind 1 und 43 für 433MHz-Konfigurationen, 2 und 43 für 868MHz-Konfigurationen. Anders als das, ich denke, der Code wird funktionieren wie-ist. Don82't vertraue meiner Algebra, ich denke it8217s korrekt, aber das Datenblatt ist definitiv korrekt. Danke Kevin, I8217m immer noch mit diesem spielen. Die Konsole hat einen Aufkleber auf der Rückseite, der 868.3MHz sagt, der der Mittelpunkt von 868 Band 1 ist. Nächstes Problem, die meisten RSSI Lesungen sind 100, ein paar fallen in die 998217s 988217s Ich haven8217t fügte die Pull-ups zu Datenleitungen hinzu , maybe its time to try that8230 The table of RSSI readings that8217s displayed on startup is intended to help you pick Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) and RSSI threshold settings, and a also bandwidth setting. If you8217re seeing near 100 even for LNA0,RSSI73 on the lowest baseband bandwidth (first column 8211 67KHz), then something8217s amiss. Things I8217d try: 8211 1. Dump the other bits of the status register from the RFM01 to check they8217re sensible (e. g. I8217d temporarily hack strobeafc() to dump the 8216status8217 variable then call in main() and exit). This should confirm that your SPI communications are working correctly. 2. Use the gpio utility from WiringPi (projects. drogonraspberry-piwiringpithe-gpio-utility ) to make the pull-down resistor active on GPIO21 (the DATA input we8217re sampling). I8217m not sure how crucial this is, I have an external pull-up but I think the RFM01 is driving this pin high or low at all times regardless. It occurred to me that the DATA pin is irrelevant 8211 the RSSI duty is read from the RFM018217s status register. 3. Unwire the antenna and see if the RSSI drops mostly to zero (as it should). If so, check you8217re using a 17.5cm wire, and ideally locate it a good few inches (at least) from the Pi. For testing, I used a long ribbon cable and also a length of coax 8211 with similar results for both. Note the copper pad on the RFM01 that the antenna connects to can be quite fragile, so don8217t let any heavy wires pull at the solder joint, or the copper might come away 8211 recoverable, but best avoided. A quick way to tell if you have a pull-updown resistor already active is to use my gpfsel utility (see other blog post) to dump the state of the pins and then touch your finger on the pin and see if it changes. A floating (tri-state) input pin will jump between high and low if your finger goes near it. If it remains constant 8216low8217, likely the pull-down resistor is active, and with a constant 8216high8217 then the pull-up is active. Doh I had reversed SDOSDI, the RSSI values now look sensible, just trying to find a signal. I expect the data packet to be longer as my transmitter has a DCF clock receiver, nothing consistent found yet, but I8217ll move the Pi closer to the transmitter tomorrow. One thought on your rainfall reading and checking the high nibble 8211 just swap your windrain cables around, you soon clock up hundredsthousands of rain 8216tips8217. Great 8211 if you8217re picking an LNARSSIBandwidth config combination, look for settings showing zero near some noise 8211 you8217re looking for a 8216sweet spot8217 that8217s sensitive to signals, but not to noise. I did most of my initial development with the transmitter unit right beside the Pi, leaving little chance of noise or other transmitters bleeding over the signal. It8217ll be interesting to see how the DCF stuff is transmitted 8211 if it8217s an independent follow-on packet, then the code should work without modification 8211 it looks for around (or exactly, I forget) 88 bits. If you need to hack the code to look for a DCF packet, bear in mind that I look for the 8-bit preamble before considering a packet to be present. This should be disabled if you just want to dump anything returned by the receiver. Thanks for the tip, someone suggested the very same on the Sandaysoft forum, and it8217s on my todo list when I get time. That8217s it for tonight, the 8216noise8217 appears to be a constant stream of 10 byte packets 8211 several per second, I have no idea what it is. No wonder the base station kept losing the signal. I8217ll have to move the Pi out to the observatory near to the transmitter tomorrow so I can up the threshold and try and capture some 8216real8217 data. Has anybody got this working with an 868.3MHz unit I can8217t seem to pick up any pulses whatsoever. I don8217t think so, not yet. There8217s a lot of variability 8216under the hood8217 between devices that otherwise look very similar. The 868 and 915 MHz units that I8217ve seen so far appear to be using a different modulation scheme (FSK) to the Maplin unit that I have. Progress is being made though, follow the Raspberry Pi Forum thread here raspberrypi. orgphpBB3viewtopic. phpp266777p266777 Thanks Kevin for your work. I also experience freezing of the usb using pywws livedata(). The only solution when this happens seams to unplug the batteries :-( My project is a meteo telephone answering machine for HangGliding and Paragliding (vololiberomontecucco. it) so the station will be installed remotely ( on top of a mountain ) and freezing is a big problem. Just ordered a RFM01 and will try it. My questions : 8211 To you ( or some body ) has a version of the code for 868MHz and RPI Rev 2 8211 My project is in python. Did somebody bing the code to python ( ctypes, swig, cython 8230 ) There are some pointers in the comments on getting this to work with 868 MHz, and the Rev 2 board should just need the code to use GPIO 27 rather than GPIO 21 (see first paragraph in Wiring section of post). I8217ve just received a couple of Rev 2 boards, so I8217ll doubtless make changes and commit new code before too long. There8217s no Python code for this, and I8217m sure it would be too slow to sample the DATA pin of the RFM01 module. I have an esoteric idea about doing it using a DMA trick which would free up the processor (and allow slower languages to be used), but it8217s too much effort for too little gain at the moment. I8217d be happy to share the idea by email with anyone not scared off by the DMA section of the datasheet. Ken McCullagh has had some success with getting data into pywws, though with some caveats I think. The best approach to my mind is to keep the C code to harvest the data, and then shell to whatever language you care to use for processing (e. g. into MySQL or SQLite database or, as Ken does, into pywws). Just got the RFM01 and I will try. Modified the folowing lines : define BAND868 (1 ltlt 12) uint16t cmdfreq CMDFREQ0x67c 868.3 MHz uint16t cmdconfig CMDCONFIGBAND868LOADCAP12C0BW67 Just cmdrcon 8211 the RSSI threshold and LNA should be chosen according to your environment (I added a couple of paragraphs with notes on interpreting the table of numbers that show on startup). As an aside, I recommend you disconnect the sensors and bring the transmitter unit indoors to the computer 8211 from experience, it will take less time to unscrew the unit from the mast than it will to investigate the unknowns caused by a weak signalpoor solderingineffective antennanoise from the Pietc. If it8217s beside you, then the signal will be as good as it gets and will shout over most interference. You8217ll also be able to see the LED come on when the transmitter is sending. You could probably also dump output from samplerssi() in a tight loop to see it spike when a signal is seen. Hi Kevin, I am a newby to and can8217t seem to get any of this to work. When you say 8220If youre using a cross compiler, the you may need to edit the CC variable in Makefile to point to your compiler. If youre using an RFM12b, then edit file rfm01.h and change define RFM01 to define RFM12B. Please explain. Do I need to compile this (how) or should it just unpack and run. Do I need to remove all of the 82168217 symbols from this file to select the different devices sorry it seems so basic to you but I need the blindingly obvious spelt out please. regards Ken You8217ll need to compile the code, and you8217ll also need to edit a few variables to configure the receiver for your particular environment. You should use the 8216gcc8217 compiler that8217s part of Raspbian 8211 I mentioned cross-compilers because some people like to do their development on a separate computer, and then run the executable on the Raspberry Pi (this is cross-compiling). The symbol is the character that introduces pre-compiler directives in C. They8217re not comments like you might see in bash or Perl, etc. Note that there8217s an issue with the code8217s use of a specific transmitter-id value 8211 it turns out that this value can change, so I need to modify the code. Someone (another Ken) has done this on his version of the software, see the Raspberry Pi forum for a link to his GitHub repository which may have this modification. Also, if you have a V2 Raspberry Pi, then the I2C port and GPIO pin have changed 8211 simple enough changes, but it requires you to read the code and modify accordingly. You might want to practise compiling some 8216hello world8217 stuff in C before embarking on this project. I think it8217s a bit ambitious to try without understanding at least the basics of C (in other words, don8217t be too disheartened if you struggle at first). I updated the code to handle changing station-ids. This was highlighted by Ken McCullagh, whereby when batteries are changed, the station-id also changes. This could easily prevent packets being recognised. The new code looks for 0xfa rather than 0xa1. The 8216f8217 nibble is part of the packet preamble, and the 8216a8217 nibble appears to be constant in all valid packets. Hi I am a newbie regarding PI and have a problem. I changed define RFM01 to define RFM12B in file rfm01.hand received following result. What am i doing wrong. gcc - c - Wall wh1080rf. c wh1080rf. c:57:2: error: LNA0 undeclared here (not in a function) wh1080rf. c:58:2: error: LNA6 undeclared here (not in a function) wh1080rf. c:59:2: error: LNA14 undeclared here (not in a function) wh1080rf. c:60:2: error: LNA20 undeclared here (not in a function) wh1080rf. c: In function main: wh1080rf. c:263:49: error: LNAXX undeclared (first use in this function) wh1080rf. c:263:49: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in make: wh1080rf. o Error 1 Thanks for some help. These are defined as LNALOWMEDIUMHIGHMAX for the RFM12B, which I changed after switching to the RFM01 (I recommend you use this instead). I8217m about to remove the RFM12B code, since I no longer have one to test against. You should be able to fix up anomalies easily enough if you want to proceed with the RFM12B 8211 the register arrangement is slightly different, but not by much. Hi, I really need this but have the same problem. Searching the file I could only find LNA0 to change to LNALOW but the others are not there even though they error, plus there is one that doesn8217t fit called LNAXX. I know you say you don8217t have ability to test but please help with solution. Kevin, sorry to be a pain, but I am unsure which lines to change in wh1080rf. c to change the GPIO to 27 for the REV 2 board. Can you post the changes here we need to do please I am all connected up eith nowhere to go Excellent project and want to say thanks for all your hard work thats gone ito it Dicky Hi, the line that you8217d need to change has 8216datapin (((gpio. addr 13)) 21) 038 18242, and should read 8216datapin (((gpio. addr 13)) 27) 038 18242 (i. e. 21 becomes 27). There8217s also the line 8216(gpio. addr 2) ((gpio. addr 2) 038 0xfffffe07)(0x001 I have successfully got the RFM01 working with the Rev.2 board (need to improve my antenna though). However, I am struggling to get the Bosch humidity sensor working. I have changed the memory address for the BSC0 define to point to BSC1, and also changed the line that configures GPIO01 as ALT0 functions to configure GPIO23 instead. All the data values I get from the device are zero. I have checked the SDA and SCL lines with a meter and they both sit at 3V3 so are being pulled up correctly. Is there something else I might have missed I8217d first try lsmod to make sure that neither 8216i2c-bcm27088242 nor 8216i2c-dev8217 are loaded, since we access the hardware directly for I2C stuff. Although I8217ve not had problems hitting the hardware with kernel drivers loaded, it8217s probably not a good idea. Also double-check you8217ve wired SDA and SCL correctly. Beyond this, assuming you don8217t have any digital analyser available, you could place the I2C read call into a continuous loop and watch for voltage fluctuations with a voltmeter. Another possibility for testing would be to wire up SDA andor SCL to a GPIO configured as input (hence high impedance) and to sample the GPIO pin during I2C transactions. I haven8217t ever done this, but it could act something like a logic analyser. Since you8217re only watching for transitions, only a small amount of data need be held, and it could be relatively easily deciphered. If you8217re using current-limiting resistors on the I2C lines, then check that their values aren8217t too high. Lastly, double check the BSC1 address 8211 I assume you defined it in the header from 0x205000 to 0x804000 (yielding effective address of 0x20804000). I have checked the loaded modules and the i2c ones are not listed. SDA and SCL are wired correctly and there are no current limiting resistors in the lines. I am using define BSC0BASE (IOBASE 0x804000) for the peripheral address. Unfortunately I don8217t have access to a scope or logic analyser, but putting a meter on both the SDA and SCL lines indicates that there is no activity. I would expect my meter to flicker a bit, but it sits at a solid 3.307V for both lines (fluctuating by 0.001 occasionally). To me it looks like the SDA and SCL lines are not being driven through the software. I8217ll keep looking to see if I can find anything on the Pi forums. Just for clarification, I have configured GPIO 2amp3 to be ALT0 as follows: 0xfc0 Mask out bits 6-11 of FSEL0 (i. e. force to zero) gpio. addr 0x900 Set bits 6-11 of FSEL0 to binary 82161001008217 Does that look right to you I have loaded up the I2C kernel driver and used i2cdetect to probe the bus. It detects a device at address 077, so the wiring seems to be OK. Ill look at changing the code to use the kernel driver. Yes, looks fine to me 8211 multiply the original values by 0x40 (e. g. I have now rewritten the code to use the i2c-1 device driver and have the barometer working correctly. I can send you the code if you would like 8211 please send me an email. Mark. Can you publish or send me your updated code for rev. 2 board Thanks a lot Hi, I don8217t have updated code for the R2 board, but if you follow the forum topic mentioned in (or near) the references, you8217ll find some from others that have made the necessary changes. Thanks very much for your quick reply. I am not a 8216C8217 pprogrammer and I did see that line and knew it had to be changed but didnt think it was a simple as changing 21 to 27 8211 perhaps I should have just tried it But the other thing was the setting of the pin as an input (which I don8217t understand how that line works) as leaving that line would still try and set GPIO 21 as an input which is now not available on the rev 2 board of course. Yes, saw the LED code there so might try usng that to tell me when I have recieved data. I am not using the barometer yet so have commented that out as specified above. So I will try this out again tonight Again, sorry to bother you on this and thanks for your post 8211 HAppy New Year I have the Ambient Weather WS1080 and broke the LCD on the display so I took it apart and low and behold it is using a RFM01 rev.3 DIP board for RF I am now using that board for this mod. I have modified the code for use with the Pi rev 2. After compiling, I run it and get this error: Initialising RFM01 can8217t open device: No such file or directory Aborted I8217ve had my head in the code for a while and am having a hard time finding what it is referring to. Any suggestions Also, how can I get the new code that uses the I2C drivers, I have been using them for another project with my BMP085 already and it would simplify things. Just modprobe spibcm2708 and spidev (both sudo) so that the devspidev0.0 and 0.1 device files appear 8211 you can also add them to etcmodules to have them enabled at boot. The BMP085 code was posted here 8211 raspberrypi. orgphpBB3viewtopic. phpp253906p253906 8211 you may also need to modprobe i2cbcm2708. Awesome work, loving getting to know my Pi :) Got a quick q tho. I seem to be getting something, but nothing is being shown on the command line. Start the program and it gets to: then sits there until the first signal comes through and I get a single fullstop: Starting going thru the code, but any tips would be greatly appreciated :) The dots indicate short packets 8211 that means, some data on RF but not enough to be considered a candidate weather-station packet. You8217ll see a couple of lines in the code where LNA, RSSI, and Bandwidth are configured 8211 these are the central parameters in setting the receiver sensitivity. Bring your transmitter (the long grey box) beside the Pi to get the strongest signal 8211 always a good place to start. You8217re looking for settings that are appropriate for the signal strength 8211 it8217s a bit of an art Note LNA0 is highest amplification. Been mostly a software guy, so getting my head around this hardware :) As far as I can tell: Bandwidth 8211 in Oz, so 433mhz, so that shouldn8217t change, should it LNA 8211 Low-noise amplification 8211 0 is highest as u mentioned. Does highest amplification also mean most noise This is the 0, 6 etc numbers right RSSI 8211 not 100 sure but these are the numbers 86, 91, 97, 103 etc. Some sort of intermediate freq Like other examples I8217ve seen in this thread and the rPi forum, all RSSI 103 seems to be at 100, while other values seem to change as you run at diff times. To get the best results, do I just start at one end, and change numbers to see what yields results Tried a number of values, but still only got a single dot once, then nothing else no matter how long it runs. Is there some way I can dump data packets to make sure the RFM01 is picking up data I was also thinking of adding a full 69cm antennae which should pick up the full wavelength Will def be blogging my learnings for hardware n00bs as love the tech, just getting my head around many new principles :) LNA 8211 any noise does get amplified along with the signal, but an LNA is designed to minimise this. So, if you can reliably receive at lower amplification, then your noise immunity should generally be better. RSSI 8211 the receiver8217s signal strength indicator threshold, essentially the receiver throws away anything below this threshold 8211 the actual threshold is the sum of the RSSI setting and the LNA gain setting (both expressed as dBm). The bandwidth setting is a margin above and below the configured frequency of the device (e. g. 433.92MHz any auto-frequency offset) within which the receiver will look for a signal. Again, too wide and it may pick up unwanted signals, too narrow and it might miss data packets (e. g. altered transmitted frequency due to temperature coefficient of the electronics, or humid atmosphere, etc.). W00t. I got it working 8211 my problem was I hadn8217t wired the GND of the RFM01 module to the RPi (wasn8217t in your wiring details above 8211 u may want to update). Used this as ref: PDF wiring diagram . I8217ve hopped over here from the RPi site thread (chsims1 over there). Quick recap: 868.3MHz transmitter, rev 2 board, not seeing transmitter signals. I am using the Maplin A62JN, which I am assuming is the same as the Hope RFM01. I am getting short packet dots when near obvious noise, but do not see anything elsewhere at 48s intervals. What do you see as a good method of problem solving here 8230. Maplin do not provide a datasheet for their A62JN, which worries me that I can8217t check connections, wiring is always problematic, and the difference in frequency band and rev board all make me think extra possible problems. I take on board your passing parameters to wh1080rf to do continuous RSSI scanning, but I am beginning to think the problem is further up the line. Oh btw, just to show what a novice I am, I hadn8217t shortened my antenna for 868MHz At least, that is one thing ruled out now. Your write-up here is very much appreciated, and I hope that you feel you can keep up with the 8220poor fools8221 trying to emulate your exploits, So, assuming you have the transmitter close by, I8217d drop the LNA to -20 or -14, the RSSI to something like -73 or -79 and the bandwidth to 67kHz. Not much noise will get through those settings, but the signal will. You could add an 8216if 0.0 then print 8220Got something82218216 inside the bit of code that loops continuously sampling DRSSI (the bit inside 8216if(argc 1)8217), or better still dump the time of, or interval since, the last RSSI spike. Leave for five minutes and see what comes up. The Maplin module really is just an RFM01 8211 it8217s not even re-badged. So the datasheet I8217ve included in the references has all the info you need. You may need to do what I did originally 8211 that is, open both the transmitter and the receiver (get some photos) and see if there8217s anything to learn there. My concern with an 868MHz unit is that the RF part could be completely different 8211 that is, perhaps it8217s using FSK rather than OOKPWM. If this is the case, it would need some rework to get working (but would probably give you more resilient comms, over longer distances). I8217m happy to help you work through this one if you8217re eager to fathom it out 8211 the forum topic or email would probably be the best place to discuss (we run out of indentation here). Close-up photos of inside your transmitter and LCD display will tell us a lot. Ok, thanks Kevin. I will put this aside until the weather clears, then do the dissections on the receiver amp transmitter. Thanks again for your help, I still cannot get anything from my 868MHz box either. Now I do have a spare 8216faulty8217 transmitter. It appears to work apart from no RF. If (big if) the fault is purely on the RF side, I8217m wondering if I can tap into the data lines on this transmitter and snoop the firstly the configuration data (if it is using an on-board RFM unit) and the data packets. I have no 8216scope, would a sound card OSC be any use or even patch through to the Pi GPIO pins directly Way beyond my expertise here Feel free to email. Yes, I8217m convinced it8217s possible to tap into the PCB to get the data, and transmit it yourself (it was my original intention). Maybe you could post photos of your transmitter (and, if possible, the LCD display) internals first to the forum. Panalyzer might be worth trying for a protocol analyser. I don8217t know much about soundcard scopes 8211 I8217d guess they8217re fine for low bitrate stuff, but rubbish for 8MHz SPI, for example. Hey Kevin 8211 the PDF was linked in this article: I have downloaded a PDF if u let me know yr email address. I8217ve also updated your code and included a few things: 1) Saving the data out into a comma delimited file in tmp 2) Doing a HTTP get with the data so I can remotely log the data to a web server 3) Added a samplefrequency variable 8211 logging data every 48 seconds is quite granular, so this just logsposts the data every X polls. Happy to share the minor changes8230 I plan on plotting the data on the server for real time web data. Just doing some custom ASP MVC bits to keep it simple. I also want to poll other devices on 433mhz, so will prob look to spinning off threads for each device to share the code for a number of different devicescrc8217s etc8230 One more thing I didnt use any resistors and it worked fine. Ive had trouble picking up the signal once I placed the unit back outside, but I think I fried my antennae connection, so Ive ordered a new RFM01 so I can test. It8217s likely you8217ll need to find new settings when you move the unit 8211 you need to choose settings that match the signal present at the point of reception, so a significant increase in the distance between the units will need different settings (lower RSSI threshold, wider bandwidth, higher amplification, or any combination). I moved the transmitter (or the Pi, I forget) in stages of around 10 metres at a time to keep a hold of the signal. Thanks for the forum link 8211 PDF seems to work fine from there. Thank you for posting this project Although I have slightly different plans, I still have a Raspberry Pi that I would like to interface to a RFM transceiver module. With your recipe and information I think I can hit the ground running Hi, I have this setup running now for two months and receive two different weather stations from the neighborhood, presumably Alecto WS40008217s, at 868MHz. Frequency 868.300-868.500MHz, but with signal voids around 868.420MHz, so be careful here. Optimal results at 868.360-868.380MHz, LNA0, RSSI103, BW134. There is an additional bonus on those stations. They have a DCF77 receiver, which can be received with a small mod to the code. It appears that the third nibble (first two are the 0xFF preamble), is a message type. Normally this is 0xA for sensor readings, but it is 0xB for time readings. So adding to the detection byte 0xFA, a test on 0xFB, I recieve time signals as well. Those time signals are transmitted at the same 48sec interval, but at the start of each even hour. Z. B. at 21:59, the normal transmission stop. It is quite for three minutes, and then 4-5 repetations of time signal occur with 48 sec interval, after which normal sensor data transmission is resumed. One more remark: Ever since I updated to the latest raspbian 3.6.11 371, the code hangs frequently on the raspberry pi. This is avoided by increasing the usleep(5) at the end of the signal loop to usleep(25). It does not harm reception, and the raspberry remains more responsive. Hello, this project is great. I will also try to get my weather station working. Could you please post the circuit diagram for the RFM01 connect to Raspberry. Which resistors do i need Have a read of the comments (or is it in the forum thread I forget) 8211 someone already created a circuit diagram, though you could sketch it in a minute or so given the pin mappings above. Is this what would be expected from your program. I don8217t appear to be getting what you have in your output listing when wh1080rf is run. Vielen Dank. - Jim Initialising RFM01 SPI: mode 0, 8-bit, 1000 KHz CtrlC to exit LNA0,RSSI73 idx 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA0,RSSI79 idx 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA0,RSSI85 idx 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA0,RSSI91 idx 3 0.00lt 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA0,RSSI97 idx 4 3.12 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 LNA0,RSSI103 idx 5 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 LNA6,RSSI73 idx 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA6,RSSI79 idx 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA6,RSSI85 idx 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA6,RSSI91 idx 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA6,RSSI97 idx 10 0.00 0.00 10.31 96.84 100.00 100.00 LNA6,RSSI103 idx 11 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 LNA14,RSSI73 idx 12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA14,RSSI79 idx 13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA14,RSSI85 idx 14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA14,RSSI91 idx 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA14,RSSI97 idx 16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA14,RSSI103 idx 17 0.00 7.29 95.79 100.00 100.00 100.00 LNA20,RSSI73 idx 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA20,RSSI79 idx 19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA20,RSSI85 idx 20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA20,RSSI91 idx 21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA20,RSSI97 idx 22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA20,RSSI103 idx 23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.63 95.74 RSSI Duty 0.00 Looks ok to me 8211 the table shows noise levels being received nearby for each combination of configuration values. You need to choose a combination that suits your own environment (e. g. amplified enough to pick up your signal, but not so much it8217s drowned out by noise). You need to edit a couple of lines of code to set your chosen configuration values (LNA, RSSI threshold, and band width). See the blog article, previous comments, and the forum thread mentioned above for more details if needed. Thanks, I have it working, I am getting sensible measurement values but I8217m not sure what values I need to edit, it has just worked. Are the LNA, RSSI threshold, and band width just added as arguments on the command line when running the sudo. wh1080rf, I have printed out your code and I am wading my way through it ). Thanks for your hard work much appreciated. I don8217t really want to use the supplied Maplin display for real data capture, its more of a vanity thing. I want the Raspberry PI to do all the heavy lifting and will use your code as a base. Regards - Jim Have you any idea what the Pulse stats lines that occur instead of the normal output see bottom of the screen output, is it signal level or interference Thanks. Jim Temperature: 20.7C, Humidity: 43 Wind speed: 0.00 ms, Gust Speed 0.00 ms, NE Wind speed: 0.0 mph, Gust Speed 0.0 mph, NE Total rain: 50.1 mm Listening for transmission Data bits 88 (offset 8) (0 short) Packet signature found Frequency deviation 6.0KHz (6) a1 82 5f 2b 00 00 00 a7 02 5d crc ok (gap 48s) Pulse stats: Hi: 584 8211 655 Lo: 1571 8211 1646 (88 point) Threshold now 1113 Station Id: 0A18 Temperature: 20.7C, Humidity: 43 Wind speed: 0.00 ms, Gust Speed 0.00 ms, NE Wind speed: 0.0 mph, Gust Speed 0.0 mph, NE Total rain: 50.1 mm Listening for transmission. Pulse stats: Hi: 109 8211 1104 Lo: 1135 8211 1356 (43 point).Pulse stats: Hi: 142 8211 1098 Lo: 1186 8211 1422 (52 point).Pulse stats: Hi: 137 8211 1095 Lo: 1123 8211 1397 (41 point) Hi Jim, The pulse stats say how wide the margin is for received pulses, above and below the threshold. A good signal will have threshold near 1000 (microseconds), and highlow pulses will be around 500 and 1500 microseconds respectively (I may have them the wrong way round, you might want to check). Typically, wider the margins mean a less reliably signal, so the information can be used to choose receiver settings, for example. Kevin could you please help me here raspberrypi. orgphpBB3viewtopic. phpf44038t36368 I get some strange data and don8217t know how to interpret this. Hi, Very useful information, thanks very much. Just to let you know that I have your code working with the Maplins WH1050 weather station. This is the 8220little brother8221 to the WH1080 and doesn8217t have the wind direction indicator, and there is no USB output on the receiver unit. Only minor changes were required to your code. Mainly due to the fact that the WH1050 1 less byte. There was also a problem that the bitstream was offset by 1 bit, this was handled by changing: 8220uint8t bit rssitimebufpacketoffset 1 (idx 8 b)8221 and by adding an extra bit to the end of the stream. After this, all the results match the LCD display (discarding wind direction), even the CRC is OK. Thanks again for your great work Well done Yet another Fine Offset wireless protocol unfathomed 8211 thanks for sharing. I am trying to receive data from WH2 temperature sensor. I am using RFM22B module. I can see RSSI changing when signal is received. But I am not sure what settings do I have to need to decode data using RSSI. My initial thoughts would be to sample the RSSI into a buffer and try to visualise the hilo transitions (e. g. process them into a spreadsheet) to figure out if the signal is meaningful. You might expect to see some preamble, followed by data, and then perhaps a checksum. Using RSSI is really only feasible for OOK signals 8211 that is, signals where the RF is onoff to signify hilo. For FSK, where the signal alternates between frequencies, it wouldn8217t be feasible to discern data from the RSSI. Note that digital RSSI over the SPI bus may not be fast enough to get all necessary transitions. I had trouble getting reliable readings from an RFM12B using digital RSSI from the status word. I don8217t know about the RFM22B. Thank you very much Kevin for your reply, Yes I am receiving OOK signal only with RFM22B. I am able to measure a RSSI when there is no any signal transmission and it is around 90 and when there is High Signal RSSI goes up to 150.. So its freq is 500usec. I am reading RSSI register in one while loop and trying to get the time taken from High to Low transition but I am not able to get it atleast around 500usec it8217s far more than that around 98msec.. What can be reason for this kind of behavior. Do you have any suggestion. Regards, I8217m assuming you8217re working with a Raspberry Pi. If you8217re reading RSSI using a register, then SPI may be a bottleneck, especially if you8217re going through the operating system to readwrite the SPI bus. I don8217t know much about the RFM22B, but there may also be a delay in the module sampling the Analogue RSSI. You may be able to get the Digital RSSI after setting a threshold to eliminate noise. This would then become a matter of reading a flag from the status register which may be faster than reading an arbitrary register. You might consider reading an analogue RSSI value directly from the RFM22B, in which case you8217d need extra circuitry to convert to a digital RSSI (e. g. a comparitor with an adjustable threshold). However, 98ms is really quite high. None of the above could account for such a discrepancy in my opinion, particularly if the code is in C. You might want to check that there8217s no blocking code in the sampling loop 8211 it needs to be as simple as possible. Also, check that no applications are hogging the CPU (run console only, not X). Great project. Your code is the closest I could find to tackle what I want to accomplish. I am trying to use a 433.92 Mhz receiver (i. e. this: duckduckgoqAK-R03A ) to receive and decode the chatter of my external temp sensor(s). What do I need to change if there is just one data GPIO pin that I am interested in Or am I on the wrong track here In the existing code, there is essentially only one data GPIO pin that we8217re interested in, leaving out the SPI and I2C stuff. It should already be quite close to what you need to experiment with. I don8217t have any experience of the receiver you mentioned, but in your situation I8217d be looking to sample the RXD pin transitions on a GPIO and store them alongside a timestamp in order to graph them (e. g dump to CSV and import to a spreadsheet). You may need a big buffer if you8217re unable to trigger a transmission on demand. Another option would be to use 8216panalyser8217 to snapshot the pin data (I haven8217t followed the development of this, but it seemed usable when I last read up on it). In any case, you should be able to show whether or not the module is capable of providing the GPIO with suitable data to work with. Hi All Need some help, pls8230. I wanna build a receiver with rfm01 and attiny13 45. I try use ook mode, but not skill for write this soft for avr. The rf module is 868mhz. Like this self tuning, self gaining software. Can somebody help for me Thx for ALL :-) Thanks for your great webpage :-) I want to use 8220TX 29-IT8221. Where can i change the follow values: Mittenfrequenz 868,3 MHz Modulation: FSK Frequenzhub: - 90 kHz Datenrate: 17.241 kbits Each packet is 5 Byte I use this tool for the configuration of RFM12B: tools. jeelabs. orgrfm12b. html The sendcommand16() is used to send the 8216cmd8217 variables to the transceiver. The variables are defined together, near the top of the source file 8216wh1080rf. c8217. This is typically where you would change the radio parameters. If you follow the thread(s) on the Raspberry Pi forum. I think you8217ll find others who have received FSK transmissions 8211 it8217s something of a simplification, since you can use the FIFO rather than having to sample the data pin. thanks Kevin. Is it right, that i have to use a different Connection for FSK I found the follow Possibility: GND 8212 GND (Pin 25) VDD 8212 3.3V (Pin 17) FSKDAAnFFS 8212 with 10k to 3.3V (Pin 1) SDO 8212 MISO (Pin 21) SDI 8212 MOSI (Pin 19) nIRQ 8212 GPIO 22 (Pin 15) nSEL 8212 CS1 (Pin 26) I found nobody, which resolved the same problem :-( The later posts on the forum topic (raspberrypi. orgphpBB3viewtopic. phpp152023p152023 ) discuss using a FIFO 8211 these relate to the receiver operating in FSK mode. I think your options are to sample the DATA pin with FIFO off (wired as you suggest, perhaps also using DCLK), or else to read the FIFO buffer using SPI. I8217d suggest sampling the DATA pin, initially at least 8211 it8217s easier to observe what the radio is receiving without the extra layer of the FIFO (e. g. try graphing the output in Gnumeric). I have been using your code, slightly modified for the wh1050, for some time now but I get some unusual hangs. Every so often, usually after a period between 24 and 48 hours, no data is received and the Pi stays in RealTime scheduler mode until data is finally received. The odd thing is that on the last 5 occasions (at least) the delay waiting for the data is 4368secs. Is there anything significant about 4368 I have tried to add checks to the main loop in the code so that the Pi returns to Standard scheduler after 120 secs, but it would appear that it never gets to the bottom of the loop when waiting for the data. When I added the check to the 8220for(idx0 idx lt count idx) Any ideas The Pi is only about 5 meters from the transmitter. Many Thanks Bob Hi Bob, nothing comes to mind on the curious 4368s delay 8211 maybe there8217s something locally generating interference for an hour or so Make sure there8217s a sleep somewhere in your loop 8211 I don8217t have the code in front of me right now, but I8217m sure we yield to the OS periodically 8211 if this isn8217t happening, then I can see how SSH would become unresponsive. Alternatively, don8217t ever enter realtime mode 8211 if the Pi isn8217t doing much else anyway, then it8217s less important. Hi Kevin, thanks for the reply. Yes, I do have a sleep (two in fact), in my loop. I can8217t imagine what would be interfering, especially as the problem does not occur at set intervals. I cannot see where your code yields to the OS, but I am not very familiar with 8220C8221. I was brought up on COBOL (yes, I am that old) and have quite a lot of experience with VBScripting. I will try not running in Realtime at all, but I do use the Pi as a web server to display the weather information, an dI would also like to add some 1-wire probes (and possibly the pressure sensor). That is why I was trying to release the Realtime after a wait of 2 minutes. I will let you know if it works. Thanks again Bob Hi Kevin, hi Bob, I8217ve exactly the same issue. Tried a lot a things: new SD, fresh Raspbian, power supply, cables, removing USBs, USB hub, cooling, monitoring8230 Nothing in logs. When wh1080rf runs, after some hours it hangs. Following your advise, I commented calls to schedulerrealtime() and schedulerstandard(). Nothing change. I confirm the 4368sec delayhang. Any idea to resolve or debug this I8217m not C developper but I learned to manage this (I do PHP). Thanks for your help and this helpful software Hi, I wonder if it8217s caused by the microsecond timer overflowing This would occur after roughly 4294 seconds. If there8217s an error causing the code to hang on the timer, where the exit case only occurs after an overflow (e. g. after returning to zero), then it could account for most of the 4368s delay. It might be worth adding that I think it unlikely to be hardware related 8211 it8217s either software failing to sample the data, or the receiver not getting (or not interpreting) the RF signal correctly. Interresting. You may be right with timer issue. I8217m wondering what I can do. Is it related to 8220TIMERARMCOUNT8221 or another function If this is the source of the problem, then we may need to throw away any timer reads that deviate too much from expected values. Since the CPU is running at 700MHz it shouldn8217t interfere with readings, which are measured on a 1MHz timer. I8217ll probably have a look at the existing code when I get a chance, in light of the link that you gave. It could explain some of the drop-out anomalies that I8217ve seen and put down to RF issues (though the link mentions interrupts, which we8217re not making use of, so maybe a 8216red-herring8217). Hi, if you still need help, I had similar issues and solved the issue with this code: do while(((TIMERARMCOUNT-StartTime)amp0xffffffff) lt Timeout) Starttime: store TIMERARMCOUNT to this value when timeout starts Timeout: this is the time you plan to wait (both of type quotuintquot) I039m no quite sure wheter quotamp0xffffffffquot is really needed to cut of an overflow (after the timer overlows), should work also without because variables are of type quotuintquot but didn039t test. Thanks Claus. Where are you using this in your code On GCC (at least on Raspbian), an unsigned int and unsigned long is 32 bits, so 8216and 0xffffffff8217 will have no effect (e. g. b amp 1 b). Hi, I8217m using this code in a simulation of a Kopp Free control transmitter to generate timeouts between transmission blocks (up to 5,5 sec, RaspberryPi and RFM12b Module). It was also expected by me that amp0xffffffff is not needed, but I8217m not a 8220C8221 expert. I had also effects with timer overrun, after using code above it runs fine even if the timer generates an overrun. But of course the code is only fine if the timeout itself is below 12 of the max timer value (32 bit timer and 1sec timer resolution lt 2147sec) Hi All For those who have tinkered with an RFM22B, any idea which is the 8220FSKDATAnFFS8221 pin to connect to GPIO27 please Just getting started in this stuff so i8217m on a long learning curve here. I8217ve searched all over the place and can8217t see the answer i8217m looking for. I have SDN, nIRQ, RXANT, TXANT, IO0, IO1 and IO2 free. Any assistance appreciated. Hi Kevin, I have purchased the smartalpha 868Mhz module and the evaluation board. I was hoping having bought the evaluation board it would make it relatively easy for me to interface my windows pc with the module. My initial aim is simple, just to be able to make the module transmit and receive. I downloaded the software utility which RF Solutions supply. This allows me to configure the baud rate, frequency etc of the module, but that is as far as I8217ve got. I have sent a number of emails to RF Solutions re how do I get the unit to receive or transmit but the emails I receive assume a knowledge that I don8217t have. I was hoping that I could use something like Hyperterminal to send commands to it via USB to get it to transmit and receive. I guess my question to you is, is there an easy way to talk to the unit using a piece of existing windows software, or should I give up now before I tear all my hair out If the device is not in configuration mode, then it8217s in transmitreceive mode, in which case all data sent via the serial port is sent over the air. However, it work in packets, where Hyperterminal works in streams of single characters. If you can get RTSCTS to work appropriately (hardware handshaking) via Hyperterminal, you might get somewhere sending packets with only ASCII characters. My modules have older firmware that didn8217t handle handshaking properly. This seems to have been addressed in later versions, but I haven8217t used any of these, so I can8217t really say much more. I think, even if you get some communications working, you8217d be coercing both the module and Hyperterminal into doing things they weren8217t really designed for 8211 fine if you enjoy experimenting and hacking, but not if you want something that just works. Hi Kevin. I have to say that after I came across with this blog entry, I8217ve immediately bought a some rfm01s and 2 of those sensors from maplin. I8217m a rpi cubieboard and home automation enthusiastic, and I8217ve already installed a lightwave rf inline relay next to my drayton lp522 boiler heating control. (The lp522 can turn on and off the heating 3 times a day) using the inline relay I can now control the heating from both smartphone and from crontab (after sniffing the packets sent by the smartphone and replicating it) I8217ve seen in your later posts that you8217ve lost interest on raspberry pi. I8217m really sad to read that but I8217m still hoping if you could spend just a little effort on this project because I8217m looking to integrate this along with my rf heating control, but this code doesn8217t work very well. I8217ve added some timestamps to the code, and considering I8217m using 2 maplin heat sensors I8217ve dropped the 48 second sleep as well. As descripbed above I8217m also experiencing that the code locks up for 4200ish seconds. I also noticed that the sw clock on the raspbian also gets skewed. I8217m not too much concerned on this, but is there any way to fix these 1 hour lags to achieve constantly reliable temperature monitoring somehow Just to follow up my own comment, I8217ve found that in 8220wh1080rf. c8221 If I comment the following line: usleep(5) No point running with nanosecond loops when pulses are in the hundreds of microseconds8230 It will no longer stop receiving signals and also the clock remains in sync as well. The only problem from comment the line above is it will constantly try to read signals without any delay, and it will render the PI almost completely useless for anything else. the wh1080 process with go up 99 cpu and the pi wil lag big time as well over ssh, but at least the weather readings are reliable. Hi Istvan, bear in mind that the 48 second sleep time relates to the transmit interval of the weather station that the code was designed to work with 8211 it8217s tied quite closely to this hardware, but of course if you leave out the sleep intervals and simply dedicate 100 CPU to reading RF signals, then it can be used to read from other devices too. Vielen Dank für Ihre Erfahrungen. Hi Kevin, thanks a lot for your wh1080rf project. I reused your code to emulate a 8220Kopp Free Control8221 home automation transmitter within an FHEM home automation setup. After I found your web page I suddenly ordered a RFM12b module and mounted this module to my RaspberryPi. After modifieng your code (GPIO8217s etc.) I was able to record the Kopp transmitter signals via RFM12b8217s 8220FSKDATAnFFS8221 pin via Oscilloscope. With this data I could calculate the baudrate (about 4,8 kBaud), afterwards I was able to receive the transmitters data in Fifo mode and decode the messages. As a next step I was able to send this data also and use the whole stuff within FHEM to switch onoff the Kopp home automation moduls. Everthing works fine, now. I started about 4 weeks ago and I would need about half an year without your wh1080rf project. I posted my work here: forum. fhem. deindex. phptopic14790.0 but its in German language (I8217m sure you will understandrecognize the attached modified code) So again, thanks for your really good project which was easy to understand and a big support for my own project. Claus I8217ve modified your code for rev 2 of the RPi board and added rapid fire reporting to Weather Underground. The code is here: githubajayreWH1080-Weather-Underground Thanks for sharing Andy. I recently re-implemented the reading algorithm for the Arduino Yun8217s MCU (also Leonardo, perhaps any Arduino 8211 I don8217t know enough about them). It8217s a lot more reliable and dependable than I ever achieved with a Raspberry Pi 8211 WiFi is stable and with a receiver such as the AUREL RX-4MM5 (Farnell 169-9487), it reads reliably over decent distances. Cheaper super-regen receivers also work well, but with less sensitivity. My sketch just reads the data and dumps it to the console, the idea being that the Linux side of the Yun can do the decoding and postinghosting of the data. Much more like I8217d originally wanted, thanks to the dedicated MCU of the Arduino Yun. I posted the current sketch here on the site . It8217s now been working reliably 24 hours a day for six weeks using the Raspberry Pi. Good to hear it8217s stable Andy. What distance is there between your transmitter and receiver I8217ve had my doubts about long-term use of these FSK receivers for anything other than the strongest of signals. I8217m using a 18cm piece of wire and it8217s getting a strong signal. I tried to use a purpose-designed 433MHz antenna into a SMA connector and the signal is weak. I am not sure if the antenna is defective or not, but I am looking for a more robust solution than a piece of wire. You mention coax cable, but that has shielding in it. Would you be able to elaborate more on what you have tried I8217ve now designed a PCB to make connecting the RFM01, BMP085 and an antenna easier. I have some spare PCBs 8211 if anyone would like one please contact me through my website: Beautifully done 8211 if you want to work with me on an AMPIC receiver version (we could interface the entire thing with I2C or UART to the RPI, but it would work with SBCs too), then I8217d write some appropriate firmware etc. You might have noted from another post 8211 this is a rock-solid way of getting RF signals into an SBC 8211 nothing missed, and the possibility of grabbing all sorts of other data from the airwaves at the same time. Hello, these sources it works for me. I use the WH3080 which provides light and UV index. Is it possible to capture these values Best Regards Ringo Hello, how do I change the file wh1080rf to use it on a Banana PI Is it possible the UV index and the light intensity to read as it is supported by a WH3080. Is there a project to read the WH1080 WH3080 with a RFM12B and Arduino Best Regards Ringo To use the code on any other SoC, you would need to rewrite a lot of the set-up code 8211 the hardware registers and their associated memory map will be different. The UV index and light intensity data are documented elsewhere on the web, as I recall, but the packet format can vary between seemingly similar devices, so you may need to just capture some data and try to make sense of it. Note that it might be sent less frequently as the other data. I don8217t recommend using an FSK receiver for reading non-FSK signals 8211 this article was an experiment for fun, but not something I made much use of. I pasted some Arduino code in a later post that can read data from an OOK receiver. It works more reliably and consistently. Hi Kevin. Danke im Voraus. This article is really useful. I have problems at the beginning, when I type. wh1080rf. The result is: Initialising RFM01 can8217t open device: No such file or directory I don8217t know how fix. I expect the SPI module driver isn8217t loaded, see Other Notes in the article. Hi again. Vielen Dank. I did what you wrote in Other Notes but now the program stays waiting in and it doesn8217t receive any data. Wh1081 is sending data, so maybe the RFM10 is damaged. Is that possible It8217s possible, but very unlikely. To get a signal that8217s loud and clear, the configuration parameters need to be set according to your environment. Read the comments here, and follow the Raspberry Pi forum posts to catch up on discussions that were had on this. thanks a lot. I was reading the forum and I fixed some problems but now when i run the program: wh1080rf sudo. wh1080rf Initialising RFM01 SPI: mode 0, 8-bit, 1000 KHz CtrlC to exit LNA0,RSSI73 idx 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 LNA20,RSSI103 idx 23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 RSSI Duty 0.00 Data bits 88 (offset 8) (0 short) Packet signature found Frequency deviation 3.0KHz (3) a6 e2 7b 2c 00 00 0c 17 00 08 crc ok (gap 27s) Pulse stats: Hi: 611 8211 718 Lo: 1631 8211 1742 (88 point) Threshold now 1174 piraspberrypi I don8217t know why the program doesn8217t keep running ant printing the data (temperature8230). All looks good 8211 can8217t think why it8217s exiting, as I recall it runs on an infinite loop. Did you use a modified version of the code from somewhere else If so, check the loop logic against the original code you can download from this page. It8217s a little bit messy, since it was only really experimental code, but it should be easy enough to follow 8211 in the loop, we capture some signal, try to make sense of it, repeating until we get something valid. When we do find a valid signal, then we assume the next one will be 48 seconds away, so we sleep for a while. It works. the probem was in the function readbmp085. I commented that line and now it works. Thank you very much, Kevin. now, I would like to create a MySQL Database to upload the data from the weather station but I don8217t know how to configure Makefile to compile wh1080rf. c which needs mysql libraries. That8217s a bit out of scope really 8211 but there are lots of resources to find on linking, makefiles, and MySQL client libraries. A simple solution would be to write an insert statement to file (temporary ramdisk, to save SD card wear), and do a system(8216cat outfile. sqlmysql myweatherdb8217) call, or periodically run a cron job to push accumulated data. It8217s not as efficient as a directly linking custom code, but then you have 48 seconds of thumb-twiddling until the next data transmission. I managed to detect a signal with my RFM01, FSK mode at 868Mhz, each minute or more. But the output shows : Data bits 499 (offset 0) (0 short) No packet signature found Pulse stats: Hi: 80 8211 879 Lo: 1133 8211 1133 (499 point) Can you help me please. the offset is not 8 like the others8230 Unfortunately I don8217t know anything about signals sent by FSK variants of these weather stations 8211 the code here was written for an OOK signal generated by one particular Fine Offset model (signals can vary between models). To have much hope of getting meaningful data, you8217d need to know for sure the way your transmitter modulates the frequency in order to transmit bits. You8217d then need to confirm that the bits you receive are valid (e. g. checksum), before figuring out what they actually mean (the structure of the packet). Hi Kevin, meanwhile, make my compliments for your very advanced technical articles to help. I want to ask you some advice, I have a weather station WH1080 with package Fowsr (OpenWrt router) to send the data online wunderground. The console is connected to the USB port of the router Huawei HG553. There are tuttazia bug every 12 weeks, I have to reset the console because it stops. Now I want to permanently delete the console, take the data from the sensor without external usb console but use the wireless module RFM12B. You can tell if the module RFM12B USB key () also works well on the router USB OpenWRT (connect wireless keyboard to USB port) and take directly the values of the external sensor. Ringario you to get some help 8211 Mr. Rocco Adduci I don8217t know about any RFM12B USB keys, nor about your router. I would recommend you take the Arduino Yun approach that I wrote about here. I don8217t think the RFM12B is reliable enough for AM reception, except where the signal strength is consistently high. The AM receiver I mention in my post gives exceptional performance, and the dedicated microcontroller of the Yun gives reliable decoding. It will require some programming effort, since the code I provide only returns the raw bytes from the receiver. These need to be converted into weather information, but the code for the Raspberry Pi version gives you all the necessary calculations. Hi Kevin, you8217re referring to the module RFM01. RFM01 also works in 433 mhz 2) then install the drivers FTDI232RL on the router 3) then connect the device UART USB to my router openwrt 8211 gtgt do not know, however, if the work function well data transmission. Would you have any advice I think your understanding is incorrect. The RFM01 and RFM12B RF modules both communicate to the host using SPI, not UART. The USB-to-UART module you linked to won8217t allow you to talk to the RF module. My advice would be to forget about your existing router and buy an Arduino Yun (or clone) and use the code here (susawordpress201406arduino-yun-reading-wh1080-using-aurel-rx-4mm5 ) as the basis for your project. This would be simpler than using any RFMx module, and it would also be more effective. OpenWrt Linux (Package Fowsr for WH1080) do not want to leave 8230 too powerful, millions of packages installed linux (the router works endlessly on wundrground ). I would just remove the console WH1080 USB, and take the data with wireless transceiver module USB connected to the USB port of OpenWrt Router Here Kevin the product that I would use, has Chip RFM: The JeeLink is a fully assembled and ready-to-use USB-type stick which plugs directly into a PC, Mac or USB hub. It contains Atmels ATmega328p AVR microprocessor, HopeRFs RFM69CW wireless radio module and a branded FT232R USB interface chip. But I do not know well if running the project is Ok, Kevin. Yes, that module might work, in principle at least. If the OOK performance is the same as the RFM12B or RFM01, then it will be unreliable. If the OOK performance has been improved, then it might work well. You will have to do some research and experimentation, and you will almost certainly have to reprogram the microcontroller to perform data-reads from the module 8211 the router is unlikely to have accurate enough timing for reliable reading of the signal pulses. Ok Kevin buy the radio module USB, after installing the Driver FTDI232 chip in theory the OpenWrt router should simulate the console USB WH1080. But tell me Kevin, data taken directly from the external sensor may already be good 8211 or final data will be raw data. PS gtgtKevin let you know about my project Router OpenWrt Vs Radio Module USB. Only raw data can be received from the transmitter. Please be aware that what you intend to do will require many more steps than you describe above. You may still discover that it does not work, but if so it should still be fun to try. I need to connect a WH1081 to RFM01 with a Raspberry pi2 Model B Board. It8217s possible What i have to change inside the code Yes, all models of the Pi are similar enough that you can use them for this. You need to configure your chosen GPIO pin for input, and check that the code reads from the right register. You would need a true realtime OS to have any chance of reliability. Assuming your WH1081 has an AM OOK transmitter, I8217d recommend that you use a proper AM receiver. They require no configuration, and with a realtime OS, should give reliable results. The RFM01 is really designed as an FSK receiver. Leave a Reply Cancel replyEnterpriseWire Online Newslette Edition - 010906:10319 09 January, 2006 Published by Software Shelf International, Inc. since 1998 softwareshelf ENTERPRISE NEWS ---- Gartner Says Majority of Industries Will Increase Worldwide IT Spending in 2006: ---- IDCs FutureScan: All the Signs Say It - 5 U. S. IT Growth in 2006: ---- Gartner Says WMF Flaw Could Have Far Reaching Enterprise Effects: ---- BSA-IDC Study Illustrates Economic Gains to UK from Reducing Software Piracy: ---- Kodaks Perez Says Consumers Will Set the Rules for the Future of Digital Imaging: ---- IDC Predicts Increased Number of Digital Pictures Snapped by Affluent PC Users Will Boost Global Photo Printing: NEW amp IMPROVED ---- Microsoft Releases Security Update to Fix Vulnerability in Windows: ---- STAT Guardian VMS - Scanner 6 Update 28 STAT Scanner 5.40 Update 14 (Released January 5, 2006): ---- How Print Manager Plus Opens the Door to Major Savings in Every Organization: ---- New Xerox Digital Copier-Printer Bridges Office and Light Production Markets: ---- HP Extends Frontier of Wireless Computing With Mobile Broadband Notebook PC: ---- Brother Introduces their First Color Multi-Function Center Machine: TOTAL PRINT MANAGEMENT ---- Cant Print - Microsofts new printing solution center: ---- Print Migration Manager for Windows amp Novell: ---- A Full Range of Total Print Management Applications ---- What is HPs Web Jetadmin 8.0 TIPS, TRICKS, AND FAQS ---- Full Online Technical FAQs on Software Shelf Products: ---- Are any tools available to help configure performance monitoring on Windows 2000 and later computers ---- How can I use the ADSI Edit tool to check my domain and forest modes LATEST SECURITY ALERTS ---- Weekly List of Viruses Found: ---- Weekly List of Spyware Found: ---- 01092006 - Denial of service in Apache modssl: SPECIAL OFFERS ---- Buy or Upgrade to Diskeeper 10 and get 50 off CounterSPY: ---- Buy Print Manager Plus and Get Print Console FREE ENTERPRISEWIRE COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBING File-Rescue Plus Saves the Day If You Lost Photos or Files: Anyone can use File Rescue Plus software free and get back up to two lost files or photos or buy it online and download it to recover more. A user just wrote in how this helped him: I just want to tell you, that you saved my day. I had accidentally deleted all pictures from a full 512 MB SD card. The pictures were from my 2 weeks vacation in Spain and - worst of all - pictures from my grandsons Halloween party. But all 419 pictures were recovered using your File Rescue Plus without problems. So - thank you very much. Download File-Rescue Plus and use it now free. Click here and follow the links for the free version or to buy it online: softwareshelf ---- Gartner Says Majority of Industries Will Increase Worldwide IT Spending in 2006: Following a period of cost cutting and reactive spending, organizations with more than 1 billion in revenue will be cautious when making their IT spending decisions in 2006, according to Gartner Consultings Worldwide IT Benchmark Service. In 2006, the most significant difference in spending will be in the consumer products industry, with IT spending increasing 7.9 percent in 2006, up from flat growth in 2005 (see Table 1). Although IT spending in the electronics and insurance industries is expected to be 7.8 percent and 6.5 percent, respectively, this actually represents a decline from 2005, when IT spending in those industries increased 8.3 percent and 7.7 percent respectively. The professional services industry will see the biggest decline in IT spending in 2006, as spending is expected to decline 1.7 percent, down from 10.1 percent in 2005. Gartners Worldwide IT Benchmark Service and The Worldwide IT Benchmark report includes five volumes of comprehensive IT spending and performance data across 20 industries. This report highlights comprehensive IT spending plans of more than 1,500 companies with more than 1 billion in revenue, combined with historical spending and performance data on more than 10,000 companies worldwide. This allows companies to look at key cost and performance indicators by IT domain to gauge and manage organizational effectiveness and performance optimization. quotWhile we are seeing all organizations moving away from reactive IT spending and toward improved agility and long-term strategic support at a macro scale, there are a number of different trends that are specific to each industry, geography and organization size, quot said Howard Rubin, an associate with Gartner Consulting. quotNo single measure or investment can help an organization support the growth and direction of its business, but organizations that develop ongoing strategic performance management programs that allow them to manage their performance and track their competitive environment will be first in managing business growth, strategy and operations effectively, quot said Mr. Rubin. Table 1 IT Spending Change by Industry for Organizations With More Than 1 Billion in Revenue, 2005 and 2006 Spending Change () - 2004-2005 ---- IDCs FutureScan: All the Signs Say It - 5 U. S. IT Growth in 2006: For the first time in the 18-month history of IDC FutureScan, all the indicators have lined up to depict an expectation of 5 growth in U. S. IT spending this year. Buyer expectations come in with an index value of 1047 (4.7 expected growth), vendor revenue forecasts come in at 1045, and the macroeconomic indicator at 1059. IDCs most recent forecast for U. S. IT spending growth in 2006 is 5. quotIn our world, quot says John Gantz, IDCs Chief Research Officer, quotthis is syzygy that moment when all the planets line up in orbit. It just doesnt happen often. Either the stock market is jumpy or users experience a temporary euphoria when filling out our survey, or Wall Street is shunning high tech. While we dont think the indicators will stay this close in future editions of FutureScan, we are gratified that they bracket our official forecast for IT spending. quot The indicators actually dropped a bit from last month 25 points on the Buyer Intent and 6 points for the Market Indicators. Gantz attributed the fall in macroeconomics to lower expectations for GDP and profit growth in the U. S. for 2006 compared to 2005, and the fall in user expectations to an quotechoquot of the reaction to Katrina. quotUsers were down on the future right after Katrina, and it showed in our surveys, quot said Gantz. quotThen last month they more than doubled their spending outlook when users realized the economy was still perking along. This month they came back to earth. Small business executives were especially realistic. quot FutureScan is a set of market metrics that measure supply and demand in the IT industry based on leading indicators and customer surveys. Values reflect expectations of future growth, with an index value of 1000 indicating zero growth and each additional 10 points representing roughly 1 of expected growth or contraction. For January, Buyer Intent, which reflects market demand for IT products and services over the next 12 months, fell to 1047 from 1072 in December. The Market Indicators number, which combines input from economic and IT industry revenue forecasts, dropped from 1057 to 1051. FutureScan results for January and prior months can be viewed at idcfuturescan ---- Gartner Says WMF Flaw Could Have Far Reaching Enterprise Effects: Exploit code has emerged for a critical vulnerability in a key Microsoft image-rendering process. This critical vulnerability could damage many enterprise systems, not just those that directly use the affected process. This critical vulnerability results from WMF allowing the insertion of custom abort code within a WMF object. Malicious WMF files can be used to gain user privileges when opened by the graphics rendering engine. This does not automatically provide remote privilege-escalation capabilities, but because users typically have administrative privileges, malicious code will likely gain full access to affected systems. Mitigating this vulnerability will be difficult, because it is within a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file used by an unknown number of applications, including the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, Lotus Notes and, reportedly, Google Desktops indexer. Even if the default file system association between the Viewer and WMFs is changed, malicious WMF can be given a different extension and still be automatically processed by the vulnerable DLL file. For this reason, every image that is received must be inspected for malicious content. Moreover, compound documents, such as Word files, may contain embedded images, so it may be necessary to extend inspection to all attachments. Block WMFs in e-mail attachments and Web downloads for immediate, partial protection until a patch can be deployed. Ensure that URL filtering products are deployed, activated and regularly updated. Update inline network intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) with the latest signature updates, and follow the IPS providers latest threat-blocking recommendations. Ensure that host protection mechanisms including antivirus and anti-spyware tools and host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPSs) are working properly and reliably updated with the latest signature files, and closely monitor announcements from their vendors. Monitor the Microsoft security portal for updated information and for patch availability. Distribute the patch as soon as logistically possible. Prepare for the possibility that it may become necessary to unregister the vulnerable library from Windows. This would affect any application or image that uses Microsofts image rendering. ---- BSA-IDC Study Illustrates Economic Gains to UK from Reducing Software Piracy: Cutting the software piracy rate of 27 percent in the UK by 10 percentage points could generate nearly 34,000 new jobs, 11bn in economic growth and 2.8bn in tax revenues, according to a study released today by the Business Software Alliance (BSA). These findings come on the back of a decision by the Chancellor of the Exchequer to review the Intellectual Property Framework as part of the Labour Partys manifesto commitment to modernise copyright and other forms of intellectual property so that they are appropriate for the digital age. The independent global research, conducted by International Data Corporation (IDC), also found that reductions in the domestic software piracy rate could jumpstart growth in the information technology (IT) sector. While IDC currently projects the domestic IT sector in the UK will grow 30 percent through 2009, a 10-point reduction in software piracy could increase that growth to 37 percent by 2009. The BSA-commissioned study, available online at bsa. orgidcstudy. is the only study of its kind, assessing the IT sectors economic impact in 70 countries worldwide and the benefits that could accrue to countries that reduce software piracy and promote the protection of intellectual property (IP). With the largest IT sector in the world behind North Americas, the European Union (EU) has a 311 billion IT industry that supports 365,000 companies, employs 2.5 million IT workers and contributes nearly 268 billion a year in tax revenues. A 10-percentage point reduction in the EUs 35 software piracy rate by 2009 could generate 88 billion in additional economic growth, 25 billion in additional tax revenues, and add an additional 155,000 IT jobs. Siobhan Carroll, Regional Manager, Northern Europe, for BSA commented: The software industry is a powerful driver of economic benefits in the UK and across the EU and is becoming increasingly important as we move into a knowledge economy. But the current contribution represents a fraction of the potential economic gains that could be felt in and beyond the software industry. More needs to be done to protect the value of intellectual property in terms of education, legislation and enforcement if the UK wants to realise the potential benefits of the IT industry. Value of UK Software Industry and Benefits of Reducing Piracy IDC finds the local IT sector in the UK currently includes 64,296 IT businesses, employs 534,718 people and contributes 25.9bn in tax revenues. The domestic software industry is valued at 39.8bn. The study finds that a 10-percentage point reduction in the UKs software piracy rate between 2006 and 2009 could result in: Projected growth in the local IT sector increasing from 30 to 37 by 2009 to create a 54.5bn industry An additional 33,874 high paying IT jobs An additional 10.9bn in contributions to the UKs GDP An additional 2.8bn in tax revenues to support needed government services - 2.8bn equates to over 80,000 policemen, 113,000 nurses or the cost of London 2012, almost twice over. quotThe software industry has a key role in the UK economy and acts as a catalyst for productivity and growth, quot comments Janet Anderson MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Intellectual Property Protection. quotPiracy stifles innovation and creativity and clearly has a significant impact on employment, economic growth and public spending. The European Union took a first step when, in April 2004, it adopted the civil Enforcement Directive designed to provide tools and guidelines for Member States to use in protecting and supporting their creative industries through copyright laws. With the deadline for implementation approaching (April 2006), BSA believes the economic benefits outlined in this study can motivate EU governments to use the opportunity to assess their copyright protection systems and legislation, consult with industry, and take steps to strengthen their copyright and intellectual property laws. ---- Kodaks Perez Says Consumers Will Set the Rules for the Future of Digital Imaging: Just as consumer desires drove the evolution of photography during the past 125 years, todays consumers are defining the rules that will drive the future of digital imaging, said Antonio M. Perez, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Eastman Kodak Company (NYSE:EK). Its a future where all digital content is automatically identified, organized and instantly accessible anytime, anywhere. In a keynote address today to attendees of the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada, Perez reflected on the current state of the digital imaging industry and asserted that consumers want full ownership of and instant access to all their images and information in order to creatively tell their life stories. Yet, Perez noted, the imaging industry continues to make this a difficult proposition by adding complexity through the proliferation of stand-alone devices and rapidly changing, proprietary technology standards that confuse consumers. quotDigital products and services should not require our customers to be engineers or professional photographers, but rather, should inspire them to be artists and publishers as they capture the moments of their lives, as they see them, with intuitive ease, quot said Perez. Perez stated that, since the days of company founder George Eastman, Kodak has focused on unleashing the power of images through innovation and by making complex technology simple to use. Yet, todays digital capture devices dont enable consumers to take full advantage of the powerful capabilities offered by digital technology. quotTodays digital cameras are dinosaurs, with the same basic architecture and functionality as the box Brownie camera that Kodak introduced more than one hundred years ago, quot said Perez. quotIts a lens, shutter and something to capture the focused light. All the imaging industry has done is to replace silver with silicon. In the next era, we will design digital cameras from the ground up to take full advantage of the creative power that digital technology provides. quot quotConsumers want the power to use their images to connect, create, preserve, entertain and inform, quot said Perez. quotTo that end, Kodak is committed to reinventing the digital imaging experience by pretty much changing everything that defines photography today and bringing ease-of-use to the next level. quot Perez cited the following three Kodak technology platforms that are driving the companys innovation efforts: Kodak Perfect Touch Technology, that will automatically detect and fix, before the user knows it, common photographic flaws such as under-lit pictures, high contrast scenes, back-lit shadows and red-eye in both still and motion images. Kodaks e-finder technology, where all digital content is automatically given a unique identity, enabling users to instantly access any image or information they wish anytime, anywhere. This intelligent content technology would take metadata tagging to the next level by enabling organization of pictures based on GPS location, automatic scene classification (beach, birthday party, etc.), decade mapping, face recognition technology and more. Kodaks e-moment technology, an intelligent system where pictures have the ability to automatically recognize each other. So, without human instruction, a picture will use its metadata to find another picture with related data, and assemble into new groups based on how they relate to one another. For example, imagine being able to access every picture ever taken of your son or daughter at Christmas, whether its part of your collection or those of relatives and friends. quotConsumers own the future of digital imaging -- their pictures, their memories, their lifes data, the stories they can tell about their life, quot said Perez. quotBut its no longer about just pictures or voice, data or text. Its the future where information and imaging become one, and consumers can access the important images of their life anytime, anywhere. quot Achieving this vision, said Perez, will take intellectual property and brand strength, delivered through innovation, partnerships and consumer insights. quotImages are an integral part of our lives. We must enable people to share faster, seamlessly and much simpler than is possible today, quot said Perez. quotWithout true partnerships across our industry this will not happen. We will disappoint consumers and will miss one of the greatest business opportunities of our time. One of our top priorities at Kodak is to build strong partnerships with other industry leaders to make this happen. quot ---- IDC Predicts Increased Number of Digital Pictures Snapped by Affluent PC Users Will Boost Global Photo Printing: Affluent PC users with the disposable income and interest in digital photography will continue to capture more and more images, resulting in an increase in the average number of images printed, IDC reveals in two new Image Bible studies. The number of images captured, shared, and received will grow at a sustained average of 24 from 2004 to 2009, boosting the worldwide growth of total prints volume to an average of 14 over the same forecast period. Inexpensive flash memory cards will be the key driver for both the digital image creation and image printing forecasts, as well as a prevalence of imaging technologies in mobile phones, combined with a decline in print pricing. quotImages captured from camera phones and other devices will not contribute as much as those captured with digital cameras, and camera phones will eventually become more video-centric devices, quot said Christopher Chute, senior analyst with IDCs Digital Imaging Solutions and Services program. quotThe promise of digital photography lies with customized personal printing solutions, as digital camera users will move away from commodity printing toward creative printing solutions. quot Among key findings of IDCs two studies are the following: -- Sharing images captured from any device remains one of the top imaging applications worldwide. -- While digital camera users will still create the most images over the forecast period, camera phone users will take close to 40 of the total images captured worldwide in 2009. -- European users will contribute more to the printing volumes, due to the increased prevalence of digital still cameras in that region. -- Internet-to-retail printing will grow the most (55) from 2005 to 2009. -- Printing revenue share will begin to equalize between the home and retail environments by 2009. While IDCs study Worldwide Digital Image 2005-2009 Forecast: The Image Capture and Share Bible (IDC 34490) quantifies the number of images captured, shared, and received by capture device users (i. e. digital camera, scanner, camera phone, digital camcorder, and film camera) for consumers and businesses by key regions, IDCs Worldwide Digital Image Print 2005-2009 Forecast: The Image Printing Bible (IDC 34488) focuses specifically on images printed by the same users. This second study covers images printed by consumer digital still and film camera users, scanner users, digital camcorder users, and camera phone users. ---- Microsoft Releases Security Update to Fix Vulnerability in Windows: On Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2006, Microsoft announced that it would release a security update to help protect customers from exploitations of a vulnerability in the Windows Meta File (WMF) area of code in the Windows operating system, in response to malicious and criminal attacks on computer users that were discovered last week. Microsoft then released the update Jan. 5, 2006, earlier than planned. Microsoft originally planned to release the update on Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006, as part of its regular monthly release of security bulletins, after testing for quality and application compatibility was complete. However, testing has been completed earlier than anticipated and the update is here. In addition, Microsoft is releasing the update early in response to strong customer sentiment that the release should be made available as soon as possible. Microsofts monitoring of attack data continues to indicate that the attacks are limited and are being mitigated both by Microsofts efforts to shut down malicious Web sites and by up-to-date signatures from anti-virus companies. Consumer customers who use Automatic Updates will receive the update automatically and do not need to take any additional actions. Consumers can also manually download and deploy the update by visiting Microsoft Update or Windows Update. Consumers can also get more information at Microsofts Security At Home Web site. Enterprise customers who are using Windows Server Update Services will receive the update automatically. In addition, the update is supported by Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 2.0, Systems Management Server and Software Update Services. Enterprise customers can also manually download the update from the Download Center. Microsoft will also be releasing additional security updates on Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006, as part of its regularly scheduled release of security updates. In addition to deploying MS06-001, users should take care not to visit unfamiliar or untrusted Web sites that could potentially host the malicious code. Consumer customers should follow the guidance on safe browsing. Enterprise customers should review Microsofts Security Advisory 912840 for up-to-date guidance on how to prevent attacks through exploitation of the WMF vulnerability. The intentional use of exploit code, in any form, to cause damage to computer users is a criminal offense. Accordingly, Microsoft continues to assist law enforcement with its investigation of the attacks in this case. Customers who believe they have been attacked should contact their local FBI office or post their complaint on the Internet Fraud Complaint Center Web site. Customers outside the U. S. should contact the national law enforcement agency in their country. Customers who believe they may have been maliciously attacked by exploitation of the WMF issue can contact Microsofts Product Support Services for free assistance by calling the PC Safety line (1-866-PCSAFETY) international customers can use any method detailed at support. microsoftsecurity Microsoft continues to encourage customers to follow its Protect Your PC guidance by enabling a firewall, getting software updates and installing anti-virus software. ---- STAT Guardian VMS - Scanner 6 Update 28 STAT Scanner 5.40 Update 14 (Released January 5, 2006): For STAT Guardian VMS - Scanner 6 users: For users that have already migrated to STAT Scanner 6, updating is simple and fast. The update file can be downloaded from the STAT Premier site manually or by selecting Tools then Automatic Updates in the STAT Guardian VMS GUI. When the Automatic Vulnerability Configuration Window appears, fill out your serial number and premier account information. Click on Update Now or schedule when you would like the product to check for updates. If you have already enabled automatic updates, the product will update itself at the time you have configured. If your STAT Guardian VMS installation machine does not have internet connectivity, you can download the update from the STAT Premier site (on a machine that does have internet connectivity). To load this update into your installation, simply go to Tools, select Automatic Updates. When the Automatic Vulnerability Configuration Window appears, click Load File and browse to the location of your download. Note: You must download the updates in sequential order. If you have not already upgraded to 6.4, this update requires that you download and upgrade your installation to version 6.4. The installation can be downloaded from the STAT Premier Customer website. NOTE TO USERS WHO HAVE UPGRADED TO 6.4: We have found in testing the vulnerability update that when installing the update file on Command Center, the port that currently in use(205 or 207) will update correctly. The alternate port will not update the sets correctly. A restart of the alternate ports engine service will correct this problem. For STAT Scanner 5 users: STAT Scanner, Version 5.40, update 14 also includes these updates. There are 26 new vulnerability tests in this release including 2 critical vulnerability updates, W2683 for the Symantec RAR decompression vulnerability and W2685 which tests for the Graphics Rendering Engine patch released today by Microsoft as MS06-01. This patch addresses the critical Windows Media File (WMF) vulnerability. Vulnerability updates for this release include: OStype ID Name H141 WBEM susceptible to stoppage HP-UX H142 Software Distributor permits unauthorized remote access HP-UX 11 L989 LmSensors pwnconfig symlink - MDV, RHE L991 Gnumeric PCRE compile. c error - MDV L992 Python PCRE compile. c error - MDV L993 SMB4k tmp file symlink to FILE - MDV L994 Mplayer adpcm. c strf chunk error - MDV L995 Kdebase kcheckpass lock handling - MDV L996 Apache2 SSLVerifyClient handling - MDV L997 Hylafax - faxcron and socket vulnerabilities - MDV L998 OpenSSL - Protocol Rollback - MDK L1024 GTK2 GIMP Toolkit XPM image linking - FC L1026 Fedora Kernel - Multiple Vulnerabilities - FC L1027 Mozilla-firefox run-mozilla. sh symlink - MDV L1028 Thunderbird Browser multiple vulnerabilities - MDV L1029 Texinfo sortoffline predictable file name error - MDV L1030 Webmin remote PAM conversion spoofing - MDV L1031 Hylafax temp file symlink vulnerability - MDV L1032 OpenSSL Protocol version rollback attack - MDV L1033 Xine-Lib fprintf CDDB vulnerability - MDV L1034 Squid NTLM request handling - MDV W2681 Access 2002 Issues W2682 IE window() Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability W2683 Symantec RAR Decompression Library Vulnerability W2684 iTunes Detected W2685 Windows Metafile Vulnerability Updated Checks Vendor Superseded patches or signatures W1142,W1986,W1999,W2067 - Anti-Virus Signatures S360 Sun Management Console enables TRACE HTTP by default - Solaris 8 - 10 H14 Ftpd - Remote Unauthorized Data Access - HP-UX 10,11 H17 Rpc. yppasswdd - HP-UX 10,11 H19 Rpc. mountd - Information Leak - HP-UX 11 H24 DCE - Input Handling Failures - HP-UX 11.11 H37 XDR Library xdrmemgetbutes() - HP-UX 10,11 H45 DCE Vulnerability - HP-UX 11 H52 Ypxfrd getdbm argument validation - HP-UX 10,11 H60 Rpc. ypupdated Grants Unauthorized Access - HP-UX 11 H65 XDR Library Vulnerabilities - HP-UX 10,11 H74 RPC IO Vulnerability HP-UX 11 H87 FTP Pipe and WU-FTP off-by-one realpath() Vulnerabilities - HP-UX 11 H123 IP path MTU discovery strategy vulnerabilities HP-UX 11 H138 Xterm permits privilege elevation - HP-UX 11 Other references include vendor knowledge base articles, security advisories, CVE, CIAC, CERT, bugtraq, ntbugtraq, SANS and the National Vulnerability Database. This product update can be downloaded from the STAT Premier Customer website: premier. harrisstat ---- How Print Manager Plus Opens the Door to Major Savings in Every Organization: Information Week wrote recently that Minor headaches like paper jams and toner replacements are what usually come to mind when printers are mentioned. As long as you can click quotprintquot and your documents appear there is no need to think about printers, right Wrong. Printing is a large part of many IT departments operation, and with todays tight budgets, IT managers should take the time to assess their printing needs. Their story concerns how the Pennsylvania Attorney Generals Office with 22 branches used Oki print accounting software to track the printing and cut the cost of printing by 21 percent. The story went on to show how the savings turned out to be much greater than anyone in the AG office expected. Okis software only works with certain Oki printers. For companies or schools that use mixed brands of printers, (for example surveys show 98 percent schools use at least some HP printers, as well as many other brands to meet special needs), Print Manager Plus software is the only print accounting software on the market that supports ALL brands of printers and is Microsoft verified and certified. It reduces the cost of printing up to 75. Recognition of the importance of auditing and controlling printing, with full knowledge of who is doing what, how much it costs and being able to put in control on printing right down to a user level, is becoming one of the most needed and wanted functions for any organization. IT budgets are very much affected by printing waste and many dont see it as they cant track their printing. The easy way to find out exactly how costly the problem and how much you can gain by solving it is to use Print Manager Plus for a free trial period. Simply install it on any Windows print server and use it for 30 days free and find out. It is applicable to every industry and supporting every printer brand printing from any operating system. Print Manager Plus is the only product that Microsoft has included a download for this free trial in its own school product recently released in EMEA, Microsoft Learning Network Manager. It was included because it saves so much money for the school budgets. It saves huge amounts for corporations, banks, real estate offices, architects, engineering firms, small office and home offices, small business and large enterprises. Try it for your organization now, the trial free. easy to use and any IT administrator can operate it with no training as it looks and feels and operates just like an extension of Windows. You can download the free, fully functional trial version from softwareshelf ---- New Xerox Digital Copier-Printer Bridges Office and Light Production Markets: In its first product launch of the new year, Xerox Corporation (NYSE: XRX) today announced the Xerox 4590 digital copier-printer, which provides unmatched scanning speed and image quality for large networked offices and light production environments such as in-house and quick-print shops. The Xerox 4590 leads the market with image quality of 2400 x 2400 dots per inch resolution and scanning speeds of up to 100 double-sided pages per minute. It prints and copies up to 90 pages-per-minute. Workers can quickly and easily produce large, complex documents including brochures and booklets as well as everyday business documents like reports and training materials. The system is engineered to produce from 75,000 to 175,000 pages per month. Based on the same design as the Xerox 4110 digital copier-printer, the Xerox 4590 reflects Xeroxs use of common technology platforms that can be extended across multiple products. Installs of Xerox production monochrome systems grew 21 percent in the third quarter of 2005, driven largely by the success of the Xerox 4110 system. In addition, data from IDC, a leading market research firm, indicates that the Xerox 4110 increased the companys U. S. market share within the 91 page-per-minute and faster monochrome copier based-MFP market to 33 percent in the third quarter of 2005, up 11 percentage points from the same period in 2004. quotThe productivity features and crisp image quality make the Xerox 4590 a compelling offering for customers, quot said Keith Kmetz, director, Hardcopy Peripherals Solutions and Services programs at IDC. quotSimilar to the 4110s strong position in the light production market, this new system has the potential to increase Xeroxs share in the high-volume office segment. quot quotThe Xerox 4590 is built on proven technology that will continue to drive growth for Xerox, quot said Tim Williams, president, Xerox Office Group. quotWe are kicking off 2006 with a system that delivers a superior customer experience and beats the competition in image quality, speed and finishing. quot The Xerox 4590 is designed to help customers spend less time at the system waiting for jobs to be completed and more time getting work done. These benefits include: Productivity. While competitive products slow down when scanning double-sided documents, the Xerox 4590 copier-printer maintains scanning speeds up to 100 ppm for both single and double-sided documents. With this new system and the Xerox 4110 digital copier-printer introduced last year, Xerox delivers the fastest scanning speeds in the office printing and light production markets. The Xerox 4590 has a 250-sheet automatic document handler that holds 150 sheets more than competing devices, and it has up to eight paper trays for up to 8,225 sheets of paper. With this superior paper capacity, the system can handle large jobs easily with minimal intervention. Users can also ensure jobs are completed quickly and without interruptions by replacing toner cartridges while a job is running. Professionally finished documents. This system provides 2400 x 2400 dots per inch resolution and 256 gray levels, delivering sharp images, fine lines and text. Xeroxs patented EA toner, which requires less energy to manufacture and generates less waste, ensures images remain consistent during long runs. Customers also can create complex technical documents or creative collaterals, such as menus, catalogs or user manuals. The Xerox 4590 supports an unsurpassed range of media, up to 13quot x 19.2quot and 140 lb.253 gsm. It includes a post-process interposer - which automatically inserts color pages or covers into documents - and finishing options such as 100-sheet stapling, hole punching, and tri-folding. Easier workflow. The Xerox 4590 makes it easy to convert hardcopy documents to digital files. It can scan up to 10 jobs while simultaneously printing, preventing long waits in busy print shops and offices. People can easily capture, store and share documents by scanning them on the Xerox 4590 and sending them directly to e-mail, a network file-server or to the systems hard drive for printing or copying at a later time. The systems 500 electronic mailboxes also help people save time since documents can be scanned once, stored on the system and reprinted frequently by pressing a button. The Xerox 4590 includes Xerox CentreWare Web software, which helps IT professionals proactively and easily manage print devices across an entire enterprise, giving IT the information and control needed to anticipate issues and reduce downtime. The system also comes in a copy-only version. List price for the Xerox 4590 digital copier starts at 52,800. The Xerox 4590 copier-printer starts at 59,100. Order-taking starts today in North America through the Xerox direct sales force and authorized sales agents. ---- HP Extends Frontier of Wireless Computing With Mobile Broadband Notebook PC: HP (NYSE:HPQ) (Nasdaq:HPQ) today introduced a mobile broadband notebook that allows users to stay connected at broadband speeds to corporate networks, email and the Internet without being tied to a wireless hotspot. The HP Compaq nc6140 Notebook PC operates on Verizon Wireless Evolution Data Optimized (EV-DO) network, which allows customers to connect at broadband speeds to corporate networks, email and the Internet, even while traveling. The notebook features integrated dual-antennas and pre-installed software to help establish a convenient and reliable wireless connection via Verizon Wireless BroadbandAccess network. HP and Verizon Wireless will jointly market the new business notebook. quotMobile professionals using HPs mobile broadband notebook no longer have to limit themselves to airports, hotel lobbies or other public Wi-Fi hotspots, quot said Ted Clark, senior vice president and general manager, Mobile Computing, HP. quotOur customers can now enjoy extremely fast data connectivity speeds, enabling them to communicate better and be more productive wherever they happen to be. quot HP and Verizon Wireless collaborated on the development of the nc6140 notebook to take advantage of the Verizon Wireless EV-DO network that powers its BroadbandAccess service and offers download speeds of 400 to 700 kbps. The notebook also incorporates the QUALCOMM MSM6500(TM) CDMA2000(R) 1xEV-DO high-speed wireless chipset. quotTogether, HP and Verizon Wireless provide mobile professionals a robust wireless broadband experience without having to seek out and find public Wi-Fi hotspots in order to connect with email or the Internet, quot said John Stratton, chief marketing officer, Verizon Wireless. quotThe Verizon Wireless BroadbandAccess service and our EV-DO network that supports it provide the advantages of convenience and flexibility. quot In addition to the convenience of its integrated mobile broadband technology complemented by wireless LAN and Bluetooth(TM) wireless technology, the thin and light HP nc6140 incorporates enhanced security features that help defend a users data, applications and network. For example, HP ProtectTools Security Manager allows users to easily manage security solutions using flexible, customizable security layers. The notebook also offers HP Drivelock hard drive protection to protect against unauthorized access to the notebook. As with other HP business notebooks, the nc6140 is designed to meet the demands of the mobile lifestyle. HP innovations such as the HP Mobile Data Protection System to protect the hard drive from shock, scratch-resistant in-mold lamination and the HP Panel Protection System help protect the nc6140 from the bumps of life on the road. Starting at a weight of only 6 pounds, the nc6140 has a large, 15-inch, wide viewing angle display, a full-sized keyboard and scroll zone within the recessed touchpad -- all of which allow users to feel like they are working at their desks. Expansion capabilities include an optional port replicator that simplifies system management and an optional HP Travel Battery that doubles battery life without compromising functionality. The HP Compaq nc6140 Notebook PC is available immediately with a starting price of 1,399. Customers with any monthly Verizon Wireless voice plan can receive unlimited BroadbandAccess for an additional 59.99 monthly access. For non-voice customers, BroadbandAccess is available for 79.99 monthly access. ---- Brother Introduces their First Color Multi-Function Center Machine: Brother International Corporation, a leading manufacturer of multi-function products, today introduces the MFC-820cw (249.99). This Multi-Function Center product features the companys first model with a 2.5quot color LCD and comes with a built-in 802.11bg wireless interface. Its 6-in-1 versatility includes color inkjet printer, copier, scanner, PhotoCapture Center feature, fax and PC Fax functions. It begins shipping in February 2006. Demand for wireless peripherals like the Brother MFC-820cw is very much on the rise and according the recent market analysis by International Data Corporation (IDC), ongoing growth in the use of these products in home and small office environments is a key contributing factor. The MFC-820cw is built around the same attractive, space-saving design as previous models in Brothers stable of ultra-low profile inkjet MFCs. Among its many feature highlights are: -- Photo quality color printingcopyingscanning -- Stand-alone color faxing -- A Flip-up 2.5quot color LCD display for previewing images, easy menu access, and more -- Built-in wireless (802.11bg) and wired Ethernet network interfaces -- Up to 6000 x 1200 dpi(2) color printing -- Up to Built-in 10-page automatic document feeder quotWe see a growth in the demand for wireless peripherals both for the home and small businesses. In fact the trend toward low-cost network connectivity will continue to spur on growth, quot said Don Cummins, Vice President of Marketing at Brother. quotThe onus is now on vendors to deliver innovative and functional solutions that pinpoint user needs and desired applications. quot That is exactly what Brother has done with the introduction of its MFC-820cw - a product that zeros in on the need to simplify wireless networking solutions for homes and small office users. It also acknowledges the ongoing popularity of digital photography and offers enhanced user features for those applications as well. NEW FLIP-UP 2.5quot COLOR LCD GIVES USERS A HEADS-UP The MFC-820cw offers many of the features available with the current line-up of low-profile color inkjet MFCs(3), but adds a great deal more versatility and ease of use with its new color LCD display. A number of important advantages exist as a result of the color LCD, including: -- Ability to preview photos and then select specific photos to print -- Allows user to print varying quantities of multiple selected photos, in a series or non-sequentially (e. g. the user may want to print 2 copies of photo 1, 4 copies of photo 6 and 1 copy of photo 18) -- Provides easy to use menus and includes help files with color line drawings that acquaint the user with various features (i. e. understanding 2-in-1 print features, resolving errors like paper jams, replacing ink cartridges, etc.) -- Includes a feature for previewing received faxes Compatible with Windows and Mac environments, the MFC-820cw lets users on the network print wirelessly from any computer on that network. It also gives customers the convenient option of bypassing the router and printing directly from a wireless-ready (802.11bg) notebook. Both of these connectivity options also support the following additional network features: -- Scan a document to any computer on the network -- Fax documents from computers on your network using the Brother software -- Receive faxes to any Windows-based computer on the network -- Access images that are stored on media cards inserted into the PhotoCapture Center of the MFC-820cw When using the built-in 802.11bg Wireless connectivity the MFC-820cw has the SecureEasySetup feature, which allows you to easily install the MFC on your wireless network. This feature automatically configures the wireless network and security settings of the MFC-820cw with the push of a button enabling simple and secure communications with a wireless router supporting SecureEasySetup feature. ---- Cant Print - Microsofts new printing solution center: Use Microsofts new printing solution center to solve common printing problems. This site includes a wealth of information - from basic printer set-up and driver installation to solutions for specific error messages, establishing networks, and detailed how-to articles for Microsoft programs and operating systems. ---- Print Migration Manager for Windows amp Novell: Print Migration Manager for Windows 9598 and Windows NT2000XP clients allows you to automatically re-map a users current set of network printers to different network printer queues. Users will also have their print preferences (per-user) migrated to their new printers. Print Migration Manager will work on Novell Netware or Microsoft Windows NT20002003 networks and can move printer ports to either Microsoft NT20002003 or Novell NetWare servers. ---- A Full Range of Print Applications Software Shelf is a world leader in enterprise print utility software. Print Console 3.0 Print Console is a remote network printing console for NT2000XP. This console allows an administrator to remotely see all printers in a domain(s) from his or her workstation. Manipulate Print Jobs and Printers as if you were at that server. softwareshelffilesproducts. asptypecatampID22 Print Manager Plus 6.0 Print Manager Plus allows centralized quota, tracking and auditing of all printing activity. The product includes version for Academic, Corporate, and professional services companies. softwareshelfHTMLproductspmpproductsSplitter. asp Print Queue Manager Print Queue Manager allows full printing management for a Windows NT20002003 network. Features include Print Redirection, Printing Disaster Recovery, Load Balancing, Printer Status, Printer Grouping and Print Broadcasting. softwareshelffilesproducts. asptypecatampID24 Print Migration Manager Print Migration Manager for Windows 9598 and Windows NT2000XP clients allows you to automatically re-map a users current set of network printers to different network printer queues. Users will also have their print preferences (per-user) migrated to their new printers. softwareshelffilesproducts. asptypecatampID113 ---- What is HPs Web Jetadmin 8.0 HPs Web Jetadmin 8.0 platform is a web-based print management solution that helps optimize device utilization, control color costs, and streamline supplies management by enabling remote configuration, monitoring, and troubleshooting of network printers and associated print infrastructure components. The product has many features and works with all HP and non-HP printers connected through HP Jetdirect print servers, and standard MIB-compliant third party network connected printers. Protocols supported are TCPIP, IPXSPX, and OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server Microsoft Windows XP Professional with service pack 2 Fedora Core 4 SuSE Linux 9.3 Professional Shared print queue creation support Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Server and Advanced Server Microsoft Windows XP Professional HP-UX 11.0 Fedora Core 4 Solaris 2.6, 7 and 8 SuSE Linux 9.3 Professional Novell NetWare 5.1 and 6.0 (IPX only) using Netware Client 4.91 using HP Web Jetadmin only on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP system The product is massive and has many features, and some add-on utilities that cannot be found anywhere. Some of the add-ons include: Advanced Auto Discovery allows administrator to schedule discoveries, and discover unconfigured devices. Proactive Management configurable alerts, instant e-mail notification, supplies alerts, services alerts, and consumable gauges. Third Party Device Certification Program allows for universal printer support using one print management software tool. Integrated Firmware Download Manager enables batch configuration upgrades to HP Jetdirect print servers and selected printers. Task-oriented User Interface tree structure navigation, configurable views, default view setting, and ability to create custom profiles. Groups and Maps easily organize peripherals into logical groups with virtual office maps for ease of navigation. Integrated Web Server runs HP Web Jetadmin without a dedicated Web server (HP Web Jetadmin runs on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, or Linux operating systems, storing information in one central database. Enterprise Integration easily integrates with enterprise management solutions such as OpenView NNM, and Computer Associates UniCenter TNG using HP TopTools bridges. Intelligent Update an easy way to add components including new languages, device plug-ins, and application plug-ins without reinstalling HP Web Jetadmin. Enhanced Asset Tracking-provides the ability to schedule exportable fields such as printer capabilities and page count information. Overall the product has really matured in the new 8.0 version. Check out this white paper that Discusses the various tools and techniques available in HP Web Jetadmin that Helpdesk personnel may find valuable to significantly reduce the time spent troubleshooting printers. ---- Full Online Technical FAQs on Software Shelf Products: Software Shelf support programs provide a wide variety of free and fee-based technical support services to individual and corporate customers. We provide customers with support via electronic and automated services. Ninety day free telephone support is available on selected products. Many products also contain quotLive Updatequot that gives instant access to on-line updates, enhancements, support tips and other useful information. ---- Are any tools available to help configure performance monitoring on Windows 2000 and later computers Microsoft has released the Performance Monitor Wizard, which you can download at microsoftdownloadsdetails. aspxFamilyID31FCCD98-C3A1-4644-9622-FAA046D69214ampdisplaylangen. After you download the. zip file, extract the two files to a folder of your choice. One of the files is the license agreement for the utility, and the other is the perfwiz. exe image, which is the actual tool. The Performance Monitor Wizard isnt as sophisticated as the Windows Server 2003 Server Performance Advisor, which I discuss in the FAQ quotHow can I use the Windows Server 2003 Performance Advisorquot (windowsitproarticlesindex. cfm articleid45281 ), but you can use the tool on a wider range of OSs. The Performance Monitor Wizard is a dialog-based tool that asks questions about the computing environment so that it can enable the correct Performance Monitor counters. The tool creates log files to help you troubleshoot general Windows and Microsoft Exchange Server performance problems. To use the tool, perform these steps: 1. Start the Performance Monitor Wizard (perfwiz. exe) and click Next at the Welcome screen. 2. Enter the name of the computer on which you want to collect the logs. The default computer is the local machine. Click Next. 3. Select Create New Log, or if you previously defined a log or have a log running, select that log from the list. The wizard gives you the option to start or stop the already defined log, as the figure (windowsitproarticlesimagesperfwiz1.gif ) shows. Click Next. 4. The wizard asks for the type of profile to use--Standard Perfmon, High CPU Usage, or Advanced Configuration. Select a profile and click Next. 5. Enter the name of the computer you want to monitor, and if that computer is a system running Exchange Server or Windows 2000 Server Terminal Services (which means the wizard will collect additional information), select the associated check box. Click Next. 6. Enter a name for the new log collection. Then configure the maximum size for the logs and a location to store the logs (by default C: perflogs). Click Next. 7. Select how often the problem occurs, (e. g. If you enter quotevery 6 hours, quot the wizard will automatically modify how often it takes a sample.) Click Next. 8. Click Start to begin logging and click Next. 9. Click Finish. When you start a log collection, it runs in the background under the regular Performance Monitor services (Performance Logs and Alerts). The wizard doesnt display the logs it simply creates the log files. To display the logs, you need to start Performance Monitor and select as the source the binary file thats created by the logging process, as the following steps illustrate: 1. Start the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Performance Monitor snap-in (Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Performance). 2. Right-click the graph section of the snap-in and select Properties. 3. Select the Source tab. 4. Select Log files and click Add. Navigate to the C:perflogs folder (the default location for the log files), select the log file, and click OK, as the figure (windowsitproarticlesimages permmonsourceset. gif ) shows. 5. Click OK to close the System Monitor Properties dialog box. ---- How can I use the ADSI Edit tool to check my domain and forest modes Domain and forest modes are defined by a combination of three values: For the domain mode, you need to check the msDS-Behavior-Version and nTMixedDomain attributes of the Domain container for the forest mode, you check the msDS-Behavior-Version attribute of the Partitions container, which youll find in the Configuration object of the Forest root. To view these attributes perform these steps: 1. Start ADSI Edit (Start, Run, adsiedit. msc). This tool is part of the Windows 2000 and later Support Tools so make sure you have these tools installed. 2. Expand the Domain branch. Right-click the domain name and select Properties from the context menu. (If the domain you want isnt displayed, select quotConnect to. quot from the root context menu and enter the domain information, including credentials for a connection.) 3. Click the Attribute Editor tab and scroll down to view the msDS-Behavior-Version and nTMixedDom values. These are the domain-specific values. 4. Expand the Configuration object at the root of adsiedit and expand the Configuration container specific to your forest. Right-click the CNPartitions container and select Properties. 5. Click the Attribute Editor tab to view the msDS-Behavior-Version value, as the figure (windowsitproarticlesimages adsieditformode. gif ) shows. OK klicken. 6. Close ADSI Edit. Software Shelf receives its Antivirus and SpyWare updates from Panda Software. ---- Weekly List of Viruses Found: The list of Latest threats contains the malicious code discovered by PandaLabs in the last 30 days. 1 MS06-001 Vulnerability 01092006 2 Gaobot. LTL Worm 01032006 3 WMFMaker Security Risk 01022006 4 Mytob. MF Worm 12302005 5 WMF Trojan 12292005 6 Metafile Trojan 12282005 7 AKStealer. A Trojan 12272005 8 Nabload. U Trojan 12242005 9 Banker. BSX Trojan 12232005 10 Mitglieder. GO Trojan 12202005 ---- Weekly List of Spyware Found: The list of spyware contains the spyware and adware most frequently detected in real time by the network of sensors that make up Pandas Global Virus Observatory. 1 Cydoor Spyware 091003 2 ISTbar Adware 102003 3 XXXToolbar Adware 080404 4 New Spyware 091103 5 BetterInet Spyware 010304 6 Dyfuca Adware 100603 7 YourSiteBar Adware 111504 8 Petroline Spyware 010405 9 Altnet Spyware 081004 10 BargainBuddy Spyware 091103 ---- 01092006 - Denial of service in Apache modssl: Security Tracker has reported a vulnerability in Apache modssl, which could allow a remote attacker to crash the server. The problem occurs when an SSL virtual host is configured with access control and custom 400 error document. An attacker could send a specially-crafted request to trigger a null pointer deference, which could cause the server to crash when using the multi-processing module. Although Apache has not yet published a solution for this problem, some Linux distributions, like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, have released a fix for this problem. ---- Buy or Upgrade to Diskeeper 10 and get 50 off CounterSPY: Get 50 Off CounterSpy Home Edition when you upgrade to or purchase the full version of New Diskeeper 10 CounterSpy - You want to get rid of spyware on your personal computer. Why choose CounterSpy The free anti-spyware tools detect and delete spyware. CounterSpy detects, deletes and protects NEW Diskeeper 10 is the most cost-effective way to keep your PC running like it did when it was new, without the need for slow, time-consuming manual defragmentation. Diskeeper 10 goes to work as soon as you install it, running in the background to restore and maintain your PCs performance. ---- Buy Print Manager Plus and Get Print Console FREE Purchase Print Manager Plus and get a license of Print Console at no charge. Print Console allows centralized control of all printing activity on an enterprise of Windows NT20002003 servers and Windows NT2000XP workstations. Print Console allows manipulation of any print jobs spooling on a windows print server. Print Console eliminates the need for administrators to walk to a remote server to administer their printers or solve common printer problems. You can see most common problems right on your screen such as quottoner lowquot, or quotout of paperquot errors. If you have any comments about EnterpriseWire or need support please email us at: infosoftwareshelf Editor: William Feeley Contributing Editor: Daniel Williams EnterpriseWire is distributed FREE each week to subscribers. It contains the latest news from Software Shelf. Learn about the availability of new products, upgradesupdates, betas, special offers, contests, and more. Software Shelf strives to provide each customer with high quality sales assistance, customer service and technical support. In addition to our own line of printer management software, we distribute other quotbest of breedquot Windows NT2000XP2003 products. Easy to use and powerful Software Shelf utilities and applications keep one PC or a network of thousands running optimally, securely and more cost-effectively than other solutions. Software can be ordered worldwide for shipment or by ESD (Electronic Software Delivery) from our secure online store. Software Shelf International Inc. 601 Cleveland Street, Suite 710 Clearwater, FL 33755 United States Phone: 800-962-2290, 727-445-1920 Fax: 727-445-9223 Website: softwareshelf Email infosoftwareshelf Software Shelf International, Inc. Vitality House 2 - 3 Imberhorne Way East Grinstead West Sussex, RH19 1RL United Kingdom Phone: 44 1342 310950 Fax: 44 1342 302405 Website: softwareshelf. co. uk Email: infosoftwareshelf. co. uk (c) 1996 - 2006 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. SOFTWARE SHELF, SOFTWARESHELF, SOFTWARESHELFDISTRIBUTION, ENTERPRISEWIRE, PRINT CONSOLE, PRINT MANAGER PLUS, PRINT QUEUE MANAGER, PRINT QUEUE MANAGER PLUS AND FILE-RESCUE PLUS are trademarks owned by Software Shelf International, Inc. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Other product names and company names referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders. If you would like to contact our legal department call 727-445-1920 or email: legaldeptsoftwareshelf Home Solutions Products Support News Company Site Map Contact Privacy Security Legal Software Shelf strives to provide each customer with high quality sales assistance, customer service and technical support. In addition to our own line of printer management software, we distribute other quotbest of breedquot Windows Server amp Workstation products. Copyright copy 1996-2017 Software Shelf International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. West Coast


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